Visiting Hours

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~I didn't update yesterday... My bad lovlies. I was doing shit and I was tired as shit. I slept on the floor next to my bed last night because there was a lot of stuff on my bed that I didn't feel like moving but good news... I think my crush likes me back. My writing is very repetitive, I've noticed... 


"Hey, Techno." Dream says. There were sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner.

"Yes?" Techno asks, looking up from his plate.

"Can I, or we, go to the prison?" Dream asks, scooting the food, he hadn't eaten yet, around his plate.

"Uh... why?" Techno asks, putting his fork down on the table.

"I just feel this... need... to go see them. I don't know why but it's like... consuming me. It's like... the only thing I've been able to think about for the past, like... hour." Dream says, fiddling with his hands, having set his fork down around the same time Techno had put his down.

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." Techno says, watching Dream closely.

"I know, but... I-" Dream trails off, thinking about what to say. Techno stays silent, letting Dream gather his thoughts. "I know this isn't the best idea, but I feel like I need to. I don't think I'll get past this unless I do."

Techno thinks for a minute, trying to tune his voices out.

"He's gonna let them out. He'll side with them and leave you. Dream wouldn't do that. He's a liar. He faked this whole thing. No he didn't. We should kill him. What if he gets killed by the inmates when he's at the prison? What if they get him to side with them. Why are you all being so negative? Because these are things Technoblade would worry about. They're not though, he has different, realistic, things to worry about like Dream's mind going fuzzy again while he's there and not being able to leave. And then they take advantage of that and bring him over to their side. The possibility of that happening is low. But not zero. If Techno goes with him then things should be fine. Unless they only let one person in at a time. I doubt that's the case."

"If we both go together then yes. I don't trust it as just you. Not to say that I don't trust you. It's just... You know..." Techno says.

"Yeah, I get it. Umm... can we go soon?" Dream asks.

"Maybe in the morning." Techno says. "We both need some sleep. Don't want to be on little sleep when dealing with something like this."

"Okay... You promise, we'll go?" Dream asks, after taking a bite of his food.

"I promise." Techno says, picking his fork back up and finishing his plate, sitting back and waiting for Dream to finish.


"Can you try not to interfere?" Dream asks as they near the prison.

"What do you mean?" Techno asks.

"Like, try to stay out of the way as much as you can, unless something starts going wrong." Dream says. "I want to do this mostly on my own."

"O-okay." Techno says, unsure of this plan.


They had gotten through security, and were now being led by Karl to the holding cells, none of the people having been to court yet.

Dream was fidgeting with his fingers, obviously anxious about this. Techno reaches over and grabs one of Dream's hands, rubbing circles on it with his thumb. Dream takes a deep breath, waiting for Karl to unlock the door that would then lead them to the cells. He let's go of Techno's hand as Karl turns around.

Remember ~Dreamnoblade~ pt1Where stories live. Discover now