"There's a Traitor..."

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~Warning->mental breakdown/panic attack/voices getting the best of someone. I really like that part in Do Not Disturb by Let's Get It where the background voice is just like "what?"


"What the hell?!" Quackity yells, holding his arm where he'd been shot, right where the armor separated to allow the elbow to bend. A good shot.

Carl ran over to Techno the second he was let go. Quackity looks around to see if the person that had shot him was anywhere to be seen.

There Dream stood, pointing the crossbow at Quackity.

Techno smiles at the sight of the masked man.

"Dream?!" Both Tubbo and Quackity yell in shock.

"Get back over there with them." Dream says, gesturing, ever so slightly, with his crossbow towards Tubbo and Fundy.

Quackity quickly obliges and scrambles over to his two friends.

Dream walks forwards, keeping his crossbow trained on the three of them the whole time. He stops once he's standing next to Techno.

"What are you doing?" Techno whispers, leaning slightly closer to Dream.

"Saving your ass." Dream whispers back.

"What are you doing here?" Techno asks.

"There's a traitor that I'll tell you about when we get back." Dream says.

"A traitor?" Techno asks, his voices going absolutely insane at the thought.

"I'll tell you when we get back." Dream says in a harsher tone. "You can leave now!" Dream says to the three men who were standing there watching the two of theirs' little conversation. "Don't come back either." He adds before the three men leave.

"Are you okay?" Dream asks in a much softer and more caring tone.

"I'm fine." Techno says, not really hearing Dream over the voices in his head.

"What're they saying? Let's head back." Dream asks.

Techno doesn't say anything, having not heard Dream over the yelling and arguments happening in his mind.

"Techno. Listen to me." Dream says, stopping and grabbing Techno's arm.

Techno blinks a few times before processing Dream's words. "They're mad." Is all Techno can say before the yelling starts up again, this time even louder, awakening more voices that had been dormant for the longest time.

Techno drops to his knees in the snow where Dream soon follows, putting his mask on the ground so Techno can look him in the eyes.

Techno tries to focus on Dream's green eyes but it's difficult. His vision is somehow blurred from all the yelling voices.

Dream's lips are moving but Techno can't hear anything he's saying. He tries his best to focus on Dream's lips to try and make out what he's saying and it works for a second before a particularly loud yell makes him duck his head and put his hands over his ears.

Techno knows that hands over his ears will do nothing to help but it's all he can do without killing the man he loved right then and there.

He's wrapped in a warm embrace, shorty there after, that he leans into until the voices stop; either they stopped or Techno passes out from exhaustion.


Techno wakes up in his bed at the new place. He has no idea how he got here or why his face feels crunchy. He sits up and catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror that's in the corner of the room.

"Tear streaks?" He thinks to himself. "When did I start crying? Since when do I cry?" 

He gets out of the bed and walks into the main room that has a stiff feeling to it.

Ranboo was sitting on the couch with his father, but on opposite ends, while Eret and Dream sat at the counter, watching him intensely. Ghostbur was floating not too far from the bedroom door.

"Oh, Techno." Ghostbur says dramatically, wrapping his arms around his brother. "You won't believe what has happened." He says, getting blue all over the back of the T-shirt Techno was wearing.

"What happened?" Techno asks, shooing Ghostbur away from his personal space. (that only Dream is allowed in...😏)

"Ranboo, here, happened." Dream says in a dark yet protective tone, not letting his gaze leave Ranboo for even a second.

"He tipped the butcher army off about your whereabouts." Eret says in a calmer voice.

"Oh- It's horrible!" Ghostbur says dramatically, handing Techno some blue that he just pushes away from him. Techno couldn't tell if Ghostbur was fake caring, given the dramatics, or if he was too distraught to react properly.

"You did what now?" Techno asks in a dark tone and looking at Ranboo with one of the most intense glares known to man.

"I-" Ranboo starts to say.

"You don't get to speak!" Dream snaps at the youngling.

"Let him explain himself." Techno says, telling the hypothetical dog inside Dream to yield.

"I... I know it's not something I can, or should, be forgiven for but I didn't have much choice. I know that's a weak explanation but they manipulated me. I couldn't just not do it after I was in. I didn't know what I was getting myself into." Ranboo explains.

"Keep in mind that he's new here and his memory isn't the best." Phil says, choosing not to take a side and instead be a mediator. (how the fuck did I manage to spall that first try? {the word mediator})

"You..." Techno starts to say but trails off as the voices start getting mad again. "Shut the hell up!" Techno yells out loud causing everyone in the room to look at him, all but Dream who kept his eyes on the half enderman. "What I meant to say is that you need to leave this building before I pull you limb from limb." Techno says, gritting his teeth.

Ranboo stands to which Dream stands to.

"Let him leave." Techno says, causing Dream to sit back down.

Ranboo then leaves with a glance at Phil.


~Why do I like "T-shirt Techno" so much? Also double update pog? I was too excited to write this next part to not do it right now. So now we have this. Imma attempt to make a timeline of the chapters so far but it might be difficult... It literally look me forever to figure out that Techno and Ranboo hadn't slept for four days two chapters ago. Don't ask. It didn't help that Mask by Dream was playing at the same time. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. :)

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