Explanations, not Excuses

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~ngl from what others have told me about getting wisdom teeth out, this is a whole hell of a lot better like I'm barely in pain... it's just like little pains in my jaw like right where they were. Maybe I just have a high pain tolerance but it's just not that bad. TW-> self harm and tics (based off of mine)


"Toua?!" Dream calls out, now knowing how Techno must've felt while searching for him.

As he travels through the woods, he sees scattered leaves that lead in a mostly straight line, meaning the cat hybrid had traveled through them quickly and carelessly.

"Toua?" Dream asks, hearing what sounded like a punch to his right.

He looks through the thick trees and bushes and sees the cat hybrid standing near a tree, her left hand gripping the trunk of the tree, seemingly steadying her. Her other hand was currently shaking, not just the hand but the whole arm, shaking violently as her head jerks to the side several times.

Toua hits her forehead on the hand that's against the tree a few times, possibly trying to get her right arm to stop.

Dream starts to slowly walk forwards, noticing that standing there and watching won't help anything.

"Toua?" Dream says softly, causing the hybrid's right ear to twitch several times, leading to the right arm stopping as she punches the tree, causing bark to fall off of it and her knuckles to bleed. "Hey... I'm not here to yell at you or hurt you." He says, stopping a few feet away from the child.

Toua turns around and Dream can see the absolute state she's in; she's breathing heavily, there are red scratch marks along the front of her neck, and her right jaw is red. (I'm very glad I haven't felt the need to punch myself in the past few days 👍) He, also, now realizes the scar that stretches across her neck, looking as though it's from sort of sword of sorts.

"I'm just here to bring you back to the house..." Dream says, now knowing the intensity of threat that creature brought with it.

Toua makes a popping sound with her mouth before clicking her tongue three times, seemingly causing her right eye to close a few times.

"Okay... umm... I know Techno can be... well... there are several factors that led to this situation but I can assure you that Techno won't be mad for long." Dream says. "He's very understanding."

Toua doesn't say anything, just starts fiddling with her fingers again, starting to pick at the, still bleeding, wounds.

Dream looks away, not liking the way she peaks the skin back away from the wounds, making them bleed more. What unsettled him even more is the half smile on her face, and when we say 'half smile', we mean literally only the right side of her face changes.

"Okay... let's also get you back so we can take care of those." Dream says, voice showing his evident disgust towards the situation at hand. (Ha. At 'hand'... anyways)

Toua puts her hand down to her side, noticing the way Dream reacted to her strange behavior.

"Alright... let's go. I kind of know the way back." Dream says.

Toua gives him a weird look.

"Don't look at me like that. I know what I'm doing." Dream says, walking away.

Toua rolls her eyes before following after the sus green man.


"What're you doing in here?" Techno asks, seeing the bathroom light was on and that there were two shadows.

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