Who done diddly done did it?

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~I'm back on my computer bitches <3 TW->slight panic and self blame. it's about 5:00pm when they get home (for me to remember {book title drop *lip bite*})


"Phil!" Tommy whines immediately after walking through the front door.

"What?" Philza asks in an annoyed and tired tone.

"We almost got blown up and now we have to figure out who did it." Tommy says, still in the whiney child voice.

"You what?!" Phil asks, turning around in his chair.

"It's not that big of a deal... Just a few explosives." Ranboo says, not wanting the old man's heart rate to increase too much.

"Like twenty of 'em." Tommy says, flopping on the couch, really not wanting to do work.

"Where was this?!" Phil asks, concerned for the well being of his children.

"Techno's." Tommy says. "They were planted." He adds in a more serious tone.

"There were- at- his house?" Phil asks, very confused, the information not adding up in his head.

"Yeah... And here I thought The Blade was observant and shit." Tommy says.

"He was away from the house for a while..." Phil says, more to himself than to anyone else. "Why are you back here so soon?"

"Techno said that we should fuckin'... you know..." Tommy says, brain not thinking of the right words due to lack of sleep.

"He sent us to try and figure out who put them there." Ranboo says for Tommy.

"Oh... Well..." Phil says. "Get some sleep then get on it."

"But I don't want to." Tommy complains. 

"Doesn't matter." Phil says. "I'll go with you two if you want me to."

"Fine..." Tommy says, slouching up the stairs.

Phil looks at his youngest son to tell him to go too but instead is met with a nervous looking hybrid.

"What's wrong?" Phil asks.

"Technoblade thinks it's me and if we can't figure out who did it then... what'll happen to me?" Ranboo asks in a quiet voice.

"Well... did you?" Phil asks.

"No." Ranboo says, twiddling his fingers.

"Then nothing should happen to you." Philza says, walking over and putting a reassuring hand on the youngling's shoulder.

"What if I did and I just don't remember it? What if I was too stressed to remember it? What if I dissociated and don't remember any of it?" Ranboo starts talking faster and louder as he starts panicking.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Breathe." Phil says, holding both of Ranboo's shoulders. "You're okay, it's not your fault."

"But what if it is?" Ranboo asks, his teary ears meeting Phil's concerned eyes.

"Hey, the more you stress about it, the more it'll feel like a memory. If you don't think you did it, then you probably didn't." Phil says.

Ranboo nods, leaning the top of his head into Phil's chest, trying not to let the tears fall and burn more tear tracks into his face.

"It's okay." Phil says, rubbing soothing circles on Ranboo's back. "Get some sleep."

"O-okay." Ranboo says, taking the tissue, that Phil was holding out to him, and wiping the tears that hadn't fallen yet.


"Wake up, bitch." Tommy says, shaking the young enderman hybrid, having already torn the blankets off of him.

"Be nice, Tommy." Phil says from somewhere else in the house.

"We have to go do shit, so get up." Tommy says, getting off of the bed he had been kneeling on.

Ranboo sits up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes, feeling cold due to the open window and the lack of covers.

"You literally slept for like... math amount of hours, how are you still tired?" Tommy asks.

By the looks of the sky through the window, the sun was just rising. He'd slept for about thirteen hours, an extra two given to him when Phil told Tommy to let the youngling sleep.

"Get up already." Tommy says, practically bouncing where he stood in the door way of their shared bedroom.

Ranboo swings his long legs over the side of the bed and stands up. He throws on some casual clothes and follows Tommy downstairs where their father was cooking breakfast.

"Who are your bets on?" Tommy asks, looking at the, now confused, enderman hybrid.

Ranboo looks at his brother with a tired and confused expression, still not being completely woken up causing him to not register the question.

"Don't bet on things like that." Phil says, not turning to look at his children.

"Well my bets are on... well... actually I have no idea." Tommy says. "Anyone could be it." ("EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT!!!" like if you got that one)

"Oh..." Ranboo says, brain finally recognizing what they're talking about.

"Who should we start with?" Tommy asks as Phil sets plates in front of them.

"I think either start closest to here, or furthest from here and work your way through everyone." Phil says, also sitting down and starting to eat.

"What if people lie?" Ranboo asks.

"Don't ask them if they did it right out of the gate, or ever if you don't have to. Start with like asking them what they've done in the past... few weeks. Like where they've been, what they've done, that kind of stuff." Phil says.

"Alright." Tommy says, rolling his eyes.


As they walk to their neighbor Jack's front door, they see someone running a good distance away, towards the Presidential Building. They think nothing of it and knock on the door.

"Ayup!" Jack says, opening the door.

"Hello, Jack Manifold." Tommy says, leaning a hand on the doorframe.

"Don't touch my doorframe." Jack says in a joking manner.

"Let's get to the point." Tommy says. "Where have you visited in the past... weeks?"

"That's a long time ago... Was it a week ago when Tubbo and I went over to help them move back into their cabin? I'm not sure..."

"Wasn't it right before the festival?" Phil asks.

"Yeah." Jack says.

"A little less than three weeks ago then." Phil says.

"Okay. Then yeah... That's the only place I've been in the past few weeks." Jack says.

"Well that's a dead end..." Tommy says. "Wait- what did you do over there? Where is 'there'?" 

"Technoblade's house. Tubbo and I just helped him unpack and then came home." Jack says.

"Did you spend much time outside?" Tommy asks.

"No?" Jack says.

"Okay. Let's go boys, onto the next." Tommy says, walking away from the house.

"Might I ask what's happening?" Jack asks.

"Something happened, if you don't know then you don't need to know." Phil says in a nice way despite the way it's worded.


~God... I'm going even further into insanity... Tell me why I forgot so many people on the DreamSMP existed. Like- wtf? Anyways... hope you enjoyed. I appreciate you my lovlies :)

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