Things Are Getting a Little Strange at Techno's House

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~I'm just saying. Ranboo would look amazing with eye liner. He's just got the eyes for it. Anyways. Another week of not going to school ✌️. Sorry for not updating for a while... whoops.. anyways... throwback to a previous chapter's title with this title ✌️ poggers! Ignore how bad the pacing is. It might not even be that bad... idk. ENJOY MY LOVLIES!!!!!


"How do we sort them?" Tubbo asks, looking at the giant pile of clothing.

"I do believe Ranboo said he'd like them sorted by color." Phil says from beside the young president.

"Then it's a good thing we're not Gogy." Tommy says. "You know... 'Cause he's... color blind... okay- bad subject..." Tommy says awkwardly, gaining looks from both the people in front of him.

"Anyways..." Phil says. "Get to it. I'll help for a bit but then I have to go back to the infirmary to check on Ranboo."


"Ow... What the fuck?" Dream asks, rubbing the back of his head where something hard had just hit him. (Get your mind out of the gutter. More to me than you...)

He opens his eyes and looks around the bright bedroom.

"Techno?" He asks, rubbing the rest of the sleep out of his eyes. No response. No one else in the room.

He looks over to the closed door and sees an orange spot on it before he feels something hit his right thigh. It felt like someone flicking him.

"Who- in the hell-" Dream starts but stops when he sees no one.

Dream quickly scrambles out of bed, almost falling off and tripping over the covers that he had brought onto the floor.

"Techno! There- there's something- I-" Dream frantically says, running into the kitchen and up to Techno who is mixing up a batch of potato muffins. (Why did 'running' so desperately want to auto correct to 'rubbing'? The fuck?)

"What? What's wrong?" Techno asks, turning away from the bowl in front of him.

"There- something- touched me- I..." Dream takes a deep breath before continuing. "I woke up to something hitting my head and then there wasn't anyone there and then something flicked my leg and there wasn't anything there and- and- and- I'm scared that it's them."

"Oh, Love..." Techno says, pulling Dream into a hug, placing his hand in the back of the shorter's head and holding him tight. (The song 'oh love' by Green Day is very good. Muchly recommend.)

"Couldn't be them." Toua says, walking into the kitchen, having been sitting on the couch. "They can't interact physically in the light unless you've provoked them."

"What- what if I provoked them?" Dream asks, turning his head to look at the cat hybrid.

"Have you said their name in any language other than their own? Have you talked about them any other times? Have you gone looking for them?" Toua asks, jumping up to sit on the island.

"N- no..." Dream says, sniffling.

"Then it wasn't them." Toua says.

"~something else~" they say.

"Something else." Dream says quietly, turning his head to be reburied in Techno's shoulder.

There's a small scraping sound then that causes both Techno's and Toua's ears to twitch at the slightly uncomfortable sound.

They both look to where the sound is coming from. Then, sliding through the opening of the kitchen, is Dream mask, coming to a stop a second after.

The two hybrids look at each other and then back at the mask that Dream is still blissfully unaware of.

Toua walks over and picks the mask up off of the ground and sets it on the counter before taking a step back and watching it closely.

She looks over her shoulder at Techno and shrugs before there's the sound of plastic hitting wood.

Now Dream lifts his head and turns slightly, still holding onto Techno.

"Wh-" Dream starts but stops when Techno makes a small pointing gesture towards the mask that's in the floor again.

Toua walks back over and picks it up, placing it further in the center of the island again.

They all stand there for a good five minutes, just watching the mask that sits motionless on the island.

"Umm..." Techno says, letting go of Dream but not stepping back. "Maybe we should go back to normal and see if it does anything...?"

Dream looks at Techno and then down at the batter that was left on the counter. "Ooo!" He says excitedly, dipping his finger in and tasting it. (Ahaha... 😏 yet another throwback but this time there's a child in the room... so let's calm down.)

Dream then does around to the other side of the island and sits on one of the two barstools, followed by Toua who sits on the other.

"Have you ever had these type of muffins?" Dream asks, a smile on his face as he turns to look at the cat hybrid.

"Don't even know what type they are." Toua says, avoiding eye contact like it was the plague. (Can relate. Can relate.)

"Potato." Dream says before adding, in a whisper, "He loves potatoes a little too much."

"I heard that." Techno says.

"Good." Dream says before turning back to Toua.

"I have not." Toua says.

"They're really good." Dream says, jumping when there's a clack sound in the other side of the island.

The mask isn't on the island anymore.

Techno turns around from where he was pouring batter into muffin tins and picks the mask up before inspecting it.

"What? Is there something wrong with it? Why's it doing that?" Dream asks.

"Don't know. It seems fine, just a little scuffed." Techno says.

"It was already scuffed." Dream says, extending his hand to ask for it. Techno hands it to him, letting him inspect it. "Yeah... nothing out of the ordinary... just some orange?-"

Dream stops his sentence when the mask goes flying out of his hands and to his left where Toua catches it one handed before it hits her face.

Techno's and Dream's eyes go wide as Toua sets the mask on the island, ears back.

"I didn't do that-" Dream says.

"I know. It was the 'something else'." Toua says, sliding the mask back over to be in front of Dream.


~bro... Maroon 5... *chef's kiss* ... anyways... what even the heck happened with this chapter? Idk but that's okay it's all part of the writing process. Sometimes you have no idea what's happening... anyways... pacing? What's that? Who's she? Never heard of her. Yo this fight for the championship is intense. I really hope Max wins. It would be nice to have him get his first championship instead of Lewis getting his 8th. Both would be cool because it would be Max's first but Lewis's 8th would be breaking the record for most championships won but I'd rather Max win. (F1 btw) anyways... hope you enjoyed :)

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