Reading min- Voices...

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~I feel like shit today. I got out of school early though. I think my brain just like shut down thus prompting my body to follow. We had a four day weekend and I was pretty mentally exhausted by Tuesday ngl... and I guess my body didn't like it so it woke up with a headache and an overall feeling of I'm going to pass out. So that was fun. I made it through two and half of my five classes so that's an accomplishment but then I had my mom take me out of school so poggers. Anyways now my whole body just like aches. Don't we just love when our mental state breaks and takes our bodies down with it. TW-> blood, knife, kinda self harm, drinking of blood.


"What cha doin?" Dream asks, poking his head through the doorway of Toua's door that was cracked open.

She doesn't answer, prompting Dream to look further into the room.

He sees Toua sitting on the floor with her back to the door, the full moon shinning directly through the skylight down on her. There is shredded paper around her and neither of her hands are visible to Dream.

"Hello?" Dream asks, opening the door further and taking a singular step through the doorway, trying to look around her hair.

He finally catches a glimpse of what she's doing. She has both hands over the bowl of water, a knife in her right hand and her pinkie finger out on her left. The blade is to her finger and she cuts into it, letting it drip into the water that had a piece of paper a the bottom of it, all while whispering some kind of gibberish.

"What are you doing?!" Dream yells, rushing over to her and taking the knife from her. She shushes him by holding her pointer finger out towards him, without looking at him. She finishes what she was saying while Dream stands there, horrified by what he'd just witnessed.

"I was doing something very important." Toua says, looking up at the man before her.

"What is so important that you have to cut yourself?!" Dream asks, voice full of panic and concern.

"What?!" Techno asks, having been walking past the room when Dream said that.

"She-" Dream starts, stopping when Toua says something.

"I was making an offering to them." She says, making a head gesture towards the moon above them.

"I-" Dream says. "You're still- you need to- Techno get her finger cleaned up, please. I'll clean the rest of it up." He says, a slight pleading in his voice.

"Come on." Techno says, offering his hand to the cat hybrid, helping her off the floor and leading her to the bathroom.

"I'll be fine." Toua says after jumping up onto the counter, her tail doing a little whip movement, getting dangerously close to hitting Techno's leg.

"What do you mean? I can see your bone." Techno says, panicking slightly at the sight, trying to block out the voices while he runs the finger under the water.

Toua makes a little squeak when the water hits the wound, her tail unconsciously wrapping around Techno's arm.

Techno glances at the tail before turning the water off, to which the tail unwraps and falls loosely beside her leg.

"I'm going to get a bandage, stay here and don't make the wound worse, leave it alone." Techno says, drying his hands and walking out of the bathroom.

"How deep is it?" Dream asks, as Techno walks into the kitchen where Dream is washing the knife and bowl, having thrown away the shredded paper already.

"Bone." Techno says, grabbing some bandages from the cabinet.

"Bone?!" Dream asks, eyes going wide.

"Yeah... and she only winced when I ran it under water." Techno says. "As much as I'd love to chat more about this... god and I thought I was bad... I have to tend to her wound."

"Okay." Dream says, a concerned look in his face as Techno walks out of the kitchen.

"Alright- what the fuck did I say?" Techno says, walking into the bathroom and seeing Toua licking at the blood that dripped from the wound. (Remember when I said my lip was bleeding and it tasted good? Yeah...)

"I didn't lick the actual cut." Toua says, rolling her eyes and putting her hand out towards the piglin hybrid.

"Wha- you shouldn't have been- never mind..." Techno says, taking the hand and starting to wrap the wound, blood seeping through the first few layers of the bandages.

"Do I scare you?" Toua asks in a voice that doesn't sound like her own.

"What?" Techno asks, looking up at her.

"Hmm?" Toua asks, looking up from the ground.

"You asked me a weird question." Techno says.

"I don't remember that." Toua says, the right side of her face twitching.

"You asked me if you scare me..." Techno says.

"Oh god, not another memory problem person. Hey let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe she's possessed. That's be lit. Lit? Seriously? What? Yeah don't ever use that word again. Fuck you. Did y'all see that blood though. We all saw it. Yeah, you're a little late to the party."

Toua blinks a few times, looking at the other. "I didn't say anything..." She says, being just as suspicious of the other as he was of her.

"Okay..." Techno says, unwinding a few layers, having been wrapping the finger this whole time.

"I think your hearing things." Toua says. "And not just those voices in your head. I'm not possessed by the way." She says, hopping off of the counter and walking out of the bathroom.

"What?! How did you- What the fuck?!" Techno yells, following after the other.

"I could hear them." Toua says. "When I looked into your eyes."

"I- you- what?" He asks, still in shock.

"Yeah..." Toua says. "It was weird."

"You're telling me... how did you-" Techno asks.

"I don't know." Toua says, shrugging her shoulders.

"That-" Techno says, really starting to struggle to talk.

"What's happening?" Dream asks, walking into the living area where the two stood, Techno holding Toua's arm, which neither of them noticed until now.


~the past like four or five chapters have all happened within the same 24 hours, jumping from middle finger the night to mid day... okay wait what? I was going to end this chapter after Toua mentioned what the voices had said but I wouldn't want to leave y'all with that kind of cliffhanger. I didn't expect that to happen soooooooo yeah... I'm just as confused as you guys. Hope you enjoyed :)

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