Some more innocent bunnies...

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~I posted the last chapter with my notes still in the chapter (the notes I wrote because I was writing it and I didn't want to forget where I was going while I left for dinner) but I remembered very quickly so... Yeah... Also I didn't update on Friday... My bad... Don't know why I didn't but I didn't. So deal with it. Love you my lovlies. TW->animal death


Dream and Toua approach the cabin as the sun sets. Tommy is laying in the snow, on his back, holding his side and Ranboo is trying to shield himself from the arrows Techno fires at him. They look at each other, and then back at the scene.

"Okay... What is-" Dream starts to say but is cut off by Tommy.

"He's trying to kill us, Dream!" Tommy yells, rolling onto his side and wincing in pain.

"You asked for this." Techno says in a calm voice.

"We asked you to train us, not kill us!" Tommy says. "My face is cold. Someone help me!" 

"What even-" Dream starts to ask, but is, once again, cut of by Tommy.

"He kicked me in the ribs, and hit me in the shoulder with his ax." Tommy complains.

"You're fine." Dream says.

"With his ax." Tommy says, exaggerative the word ax.

"It wasn't the sharp side." Techno says, lowering his bow, having run out of arrows.

"It still hurt." Tommy says, sitting up and being just fine.

"I thought you were a 'big man'." Techno says, rolling his eyes.

"I am. That's why I don't need your help." Tommy says, standing up.

"But you just- never mind." Dream says, walking over to where Ranboo was curled up on the ground, shield still covering him. "It's okay, he ran out of arrows." He says, kicking the shield lightly.

"For now." Techno says, handing the bow to Toua while pulling some more out of a pocket bag thing on his leg and putting them in the thing on his arm. "Do you know how to shoot a bow?" He asks Toua.

Toua nods, to which Techno hands her a few arrows.

"Prove it." Techno says.

Toua doesn't say anything, just puts an arrow into the bow and aims it at an innocent rabbit that's hopping by, and, without taking very long to aim, shoots it, killing it.

Techno nods. "Now shoot the rest of them." He says, referring to the rest of the small family of rabbits that were quickly scattering.

Toua still doesn't say anything before shooting one after the another in quick succession.

Ranboo and Dream stand there in shock, seeing as the rabbits were rather close to them, this being the second time Ranboo has seen someone here murder innocent rabbits. 

"I guess you do know how to shoot..." Techno says, walking over to the, now dead, family of rabbits, and picking one up. "And... Looks like we have dinner."

"Finally something other than potato." Dream says.

"We're still having potato with it." Techno says.

"You're having us for dinner?" Tommy asks, stomach growling at the mention of food.

"No. Go home." Techno says.

"It's almost dark." Dream says. "Maybe they should stay the night."

"What is this? A daycare? No. Go home." Techno says, not to Toua.

"Please, Techno." Tommy begs. "It'll be like another sleepover."

"No." Techno says, already walking back to the house, having picked all seven rabbits up and having handed a few to the cat hybrid, who followed him.

"Please?" Tommy asks, turning to Dream.

"You tow can stay." Dream says.

"No they can't." Techno says, having heard their oddly quite (because tommy duh) conversation.

"You can." Dream says.


"So are you like... some kind of cat, or some shit?" Tommy asks. The three children were sitting at the table together while the grownups made dinner.

Toua nods, not wanting to engage with the loud teen.

"Why are your eyes like that?" Tommy asks. "I've never seen a cat with eyes like that."

"Part dolphin." Toua says quietly. (Don't come at me. I like the water and I looked up pictures of dolphin eyes and they're somewhat similar to what Toua's eyes look like.)

"Part dolphin?!" Tommy asks in shock.

Toua doesn't say anything, just starts picking at the skin around her nails, her face doing the twitch thing again.

"Can you like... Breath underwater, or, or, or, are you a good swimmer?" Tommy asks. "I thought cats don't like that water... Doesn't that kind of not work very well?" Tommy continues to ramble while Toua continues to mess with her nails and skin around them, face twitching more at the sudden raise in Tommy volume.

Tommy pauses his questions when Toua's head jerks to the right three times. He gives her a weird look before saying, "Okay..." and continuing on with his questions.

"Alright, shut up, dinner's ready." Dream says, setting a plate in front of Toua and one in front of Ranboo before going back and grabbing his own.

"Why do they get theirs's first?" Tommy complains.

"Yeah, why do I have to give this to him?" Techno complains, setting a plate of food in front of Tommy before walking to his seat and sitting down.

Tommy sticks his tongue out at Techno before starting to eat rather quickly, and loudly, and sloppily.

"And you thought I was bad." Dream says through a mouthful of food.

"You're about the same. Unless he starts going what you do." Techno says, trying to ignore the horrid sound.

"Unless I start doing what?" Tommy says, mouth full of food.

"I'm leaving. I'm eating somewhere else." Techno says, getting up and walking into the living room. He only pops his head back in to ask if the two other quiet eaters wanted to come with him, which they did. The two groups ate, one being loud and arguing about something or other, and the other being quiet and peaceful. (guess which one was which)


~I was practicing bow and arrow stuff in Minecraft yesterday and I'm pretty good, if I do say so myself (I did kill two innocent baby bunnies and one puppy {in a video ;) game}). "What does the B in Vitamin B stand for?" "¤¸¸.•'¯'•¸¸.•..>> Ⓑгᵒⓚ𝓔 <<..•.¸¸•'¯'•.¸¸¤" I love that quote so much. It gives my brain the good chemical. Also being part dolphin explains the black eye, but what explains the red eye?  (゜ω゜) This chapter took forever to write because my undiagnosed ass kept getting distracted and one time I just ran my finger across the rows of keys on my keyboard for a solid five minutes, so you better love it. (You don't have to, I don't expect you to like or love this story but your kind words about this story in the comments make my day <3 there's a reason I call y'all my lovlies and it's not because I'm creepy) hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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