After the Fact

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~Okay so I may never end this story and just keep doing more arcs and shit because I like it and I'm feeling sassy so don't *snaps fingers* test *snaps fingers* me *snaps fingers*. Guess what. My computer just "ran a scan" and I'm virus free q_q Keep in mind the fact that the thing was done at like 2 in the morning so... yeah...


There was a deafening silence filling the house. The smell of smoke filled the air but no one dared to cough or make any noise what-so-ever. Dream sat there, in a dazed state, looking around the room aimlessly as if something were there that no one else but him could see.

The others all stood there, watching him. No one daring to move even an inch. They were worried, it'd been almost two hours and Dream was still sitting there. If it had worked then he had to take in all the memories he had before. Fourteen years of memories that he had to relive; all of them. Every single one.

Eret was the first to move. Leaving through the back door to not get too close to the man who's sitting on the floor. Ranboo left shortly after, cleaning off his hand in a bucket of water outside. The blood had stopped running and was dry and crusty by this time. Ghostbur stayed for a while longer before leaving as well.

Techno stayed, he had moved to sit in a chair at the table that was still on the other side of the room from where Dream was. He watched closely as Dream's eyes darted around erratically. 


"Do you think it worked?" Ranboo asks as he, Ghostbur, and Eret stroll around the surrounding area.

"It seems as though it has. The retrieving of memories takes much longer than the taking of them. This could take a while..." Eret says, putting their hands in their pockets.


The sun had set several hours ago, Eret, Ranboo, and Ghostbur were still outside, avoiding the house on purpose as to not disturb whatever was happening.

Techno was sitting his his head in his hands while Dream was still sitting on the floor.

Suddenly Dream jumped to his feet and looked around. "Ah- I'm blind! Why can't I see shit?!" He yells, his vision being blurry from all the visions/memories he'd just gone through.

Techno quickly stood and walked over to the frantic man. "Hey. It's me. You're okay, just- shh..." Techno says, grabbing onto Dream's shoulders firmly.

"Techno- I- I- I-" Dream says, trying to gather his thoughts.

"Shh... You don't have to speak right now." Techno says before Dream grabs the front of the shirt he was wearing and buries his face in Techno's shoulder. Techno starts to rub comforting circles on his love's back, leaning his cheek on Dream's head.

"It was- it-"

"Shh..." Techno stops Dream from trying to speak again.

Dream starts to cry softly into Techno's neck.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Techno asks to which Dream nods. Techno scoops Dream up, bridal style, and walks into the bedroom. He sets Dream down on the bed and tucks him in, giving him a kiss on his tear streaked cheek before leaving.


"How is he?" Eret asks when he sees the piglin hybrid walking through the front door.

"He's... A little shaken up..." Techno says. "So I'm guessing it worked." He adds.

"I thought it was working." Eret says in a knowing tone before letting out a breath that he had apparently been holding this whole time. "Did he say anything?"

"He tried to, but I didn't want him to yet, so I told him he didn't have to. He's asleep now." Techno says.

"That's probably a good idea." Eret says, causing an awkward silence to fall.

"Can we get Phil?" Ranboo asks after a while of the four standing there.

"I would if I knew where they had him." Techno says.

"I remember where it is. At least from your old house..." Ranboo says. "I don't know how long I'll be able to remember though..."

"Would you like to go now?" Techno asks.

"Yes." Ranboo says, nodding.

"I have to get a few things then we can go." Techno says. "Will you two look after Dream and make sure he's okay?" He asks, turning to Ghostbur and Eret.

"Of course." Eret says.

"Anything for my little bro." Ghostbur says, putting his arm around Techno's shoulders.

"Okay..." Techno says, "I'll be out in a bit. Can you clean up the mess in the house please?"

"Oh- yeah... I kinda forgot about that..." Eret says, rubbing the back of their neck.

"Just whenever you get to it. It doesn't have to be right now." Techno says awkwardly before walking back into the house and grabbing some potions, his ax, and his sword before returning to where Ranboo was waiting outside. "Let's go." Techno says. "I need to get some things from the old place anyways."

Ranboo nods, following his somewhat brother back to his old place.


~I'm flashing back to that time when Quackity was live and his title was "Doing George Lore" and then George's last name turned out to be Lore. Anyways... OMG WHY DID I ALMOST FORGET GHOSTBUR WAS HERE TOO????!!!!!! (I had to go back and add him in like what the fuck?) This was a very descriptive chapter because it's very lore-y. It's also kinda on the shorter side... whatever. It worked. You're welcome my lovelies. *wink*. I love you guys. This story is one of the reasons why I'm not... you know... going to do a certain... thing. UMM! ANYWAYS- Hope you enjoyed :)

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