More Book-title-ing and Ghostbur

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~So I watched Barbie Mariposa for the first time in a hot minute last night and let me tell you... one of the bestest Barbie movies out there. I like the older one's much more than the new ones. Anyways... I'm back and we can just pretend like I didn't write "dessert" instead of "desert"... Brain go BRRRRRRRRR.


"Does the name BadBoyHalo ring a bell?" Techno asks. They were back in the library. Technoblade was sitting in his chair while Dream lay on his back on the desk in front of Techno.

"Umm... Not really..." Dream says. "Well- It sounds familiar but- Wait!" Dream says, sitting straight up.

Techno raises an eyebrow at the still masked man.

"Language! I remember that!" Dream says. "Does that have something to do with him?"

"Yeah..." Techno says. "Is that all?"

"Does he hangout with someone who wears more blue than George?" Dream asks, swinging his legs over the side of the desk so that he's facing Technoblade.

"Yes. Do you remember who that other person is?" Techno asks, leaning back in his chair and crossing one leg over the other.

"All I remember of them is what I said..." Dream says, looking at the floor and swinging his legs slightly. "What's their name?" Dream asks after a few moments of silence.


"Oh yeah! I don't remember much about him... I don't think we were super close..." Dream says.

"Mhm... Do you remember the Dream SMP?" Techno says somewhat hesitantly.

"Yeah." Dream says, nodding. "It was an imaginary land that I ruled as a child."

Techno's eyes widen slightly before going back to normal.

"What?" Dream asks, having seen the change in Techno's face.

"You don't remember the Dream SMP?" Technoblade asks in shock.

"I just told you that I do." Dream says in an 'I told you so' manner.

"No. The real Dream SMP." Techno says.

Now Dream eyes widen although Techno can't see it, the way Dream's body goes still tells him that he's shocked by this.

"There was a real Dream SMP?" Dream whispers.

"Yes." Techno nods. "And there still is."

"Then why aren't I there?!" Dream yells, laying his back back down on the desk, letting his head hang off the desk.

"That's what we want to find out." Techno says.

"Omg! Techno! Dream is laying on the desk just asking for you to fuck him! Maybe we shouldn't do that right now... Why not? Because we're making progress. Progress smogress, let's fuck! No! Yes! No! Yes!"

"Hello... Technoblade?" Dream says, snapping his fingers in front of Techno's face.

"Huh?" Techno asks, looking up at the masked figure in front of him.

"I asked you If I was the king of the Dream SMP." Dream says, impatiently.

"Sorry... Yes. Sort of. Someone else was king but you were the overall person in charge." Techno says over the voices in his head.

"Who was king?" Dream asks. "And why do you keep zoning out when we talk? Am I not interesting enough?" Dream asks dramatically.

"I keep zoning out because there are several voices yelling in my head." Technoblade says. "And... Eret was the king for a while, then you dethroned him and made George the king. Then you dethroned George and made Eret the king again."

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