Festival Talk

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"Good news! L'Manburg is almost completely rebuilt, the new prison is almost finished, and we'll be having a festival to celebrate." Tubbo says from his place on the stage in the town square.

Dream and Techno would be leaving later today to go back to Techno's cabin.

"The festival is not mandatory, but you are all welcome to come. It will be in three days, starting at 10:00am and going until the firework show at 9:30pm. You don't have to stay the entire time, by any means, but it would be appreciated if you'd stop by, for even a minute." Tubbo says. "Umm... That pretty much concludes this announcement. Uh... You can go on with your days now." He awkwardly says, walking off of the stage.

As the people in the square disperse to go about their duties, mainly building more stuff, Dream holds onto Techno's sleeve to make him stay there.

"Should we tell them that we're leaving today?" Dream whispers.

"I don't see why we need to." Techno says.

"We should at least tell Tubbo." Dream says. "And Ghostbur."

"Of course we tell Ghostbur." Techno says, rolling his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Dream says. "Are you coming with me or am I going over there myself?"

"How 'bout you don't tell me what to do, and I'll go with you." Techno says.

"Why are you so sassy today?" Dream asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Techno says, crossing his arms.

"You've been like this all morning. What's your problem?" 

"I don't have a problem." Techno says.

"Whatever." Dream says, turning to walk towards where Tubbo stood with Tommy and Quackity, Techno following not too far behind.

Quackity looks away as he sees them approaching, Tommy glares at the masked man, and Tubbo smiles.

"Hello, Dream. What can I do for you?" Tubbo asks.

"I just wanted to..." Dream trails off for a second after registering the look Tommy was giving him. "We- we're leaving... la-later." He finishes, struggling to form words.

"Oh... Okay." Tubbo says. "Well, feel free to come back whenever. Are you coming to the festival?" He asks in a cheerful tone.

"Not sure- yet." Dream says almost robotically.

"Okay." Tubbo says, looking at Dream questioningly.

"Okay..." Dream says, sounding a little out of breath.

He and Techno walk away a few seconds later after Techno taps Dream's shoulder, causing  him to snap out of whatever trance he was in.


"Techno can't trust anyone. We still haven't found Friend. We should kill them all so that we can start trusting people. Then there would be no one at all in the world to even trust. Exactly, we would have adequate reason not to trust anyone. That's a very flawed state of mind. Who cares about Friend? If Ghostbur cares about Friend, then I care about him. Same, I'm with them. Me too.  Yo también. (please don't come at me if that translation is wrong, blame google translate it's supposed to mean "me as well") Why are you speaking Spanish? Why not? They've got a point. Techno still can't trust anyone. Not even Dream. Maybe not even Ghostbur. He can trust Ghostbur. He could be faking it all and keeping everything from him. That's true. Everyone could be against Techno. Yeah. I agree. That's why we kill them all."

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