Tensions. and not the sexual kind

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~Umm so... Third update of the day because I'm getting hyped by this story currently. Listen to Favorite Color Is Blue by Robert DeLong because it's good. How many song recommendations have I given y'all so far? Warning->yelling/accusing, contemplation of suicide, talk of suicide.


"You know that he doesn't know his way back!" Phil yells as soon as Ranboo leaves through the front door.

"I don't particularly care." Techno says. "You're lucky I don't tell you to leave too." He adds.

"He's a child!" Phil yells, standing from the couch.

"Maybe your argument was good enough for me not to kill him just then but it wasn't good enough to keep him around." Techno says.

Eret and Dream where looking between the two, being between the two, almost evenly in the middle.

"That's my son!"

"And I trusted you enough to trust him with no questions!" Techno yells back.

"God dammit, Techno! You don't even think about what could happen to him out there on his own!" Phil yells.

"You think I don't think about every single outcome?! Because I don't have much pf a choice when it comes to thinking of bad out comes!" Techno yells, getting offended that Phil wouldn't take into consideration the voices he knew resided in Techno's head.

Ghostbur was making a mess with the blue while they yelled, their voices getting louder and louder by the second.

"You need to get your voices under control! You're going to kill my fucking son all because of some voices in your head!" Phil yells.

"I've tried! I've tried, Phil! It's hard to when they're yelling louder than anything else in this god damn world!" Techno yells back.

The two keep yelling, their words getting more and more incoherent as their voices raise. They must know what each other are saying though because they don't seem to be lost at all.

Eret is the first to get up. He motions for Ghostbur to go with him. The ghost looks scared to all hell as he floats over to Eret who wraps his arms around the ghost, making sure not to go through him.

Dream stays sitting there, in the crossfire. It doesn't effect him though, the two people arguing being too wrapped up in what they were doing to pay attention to anything else going on.


Ranboo was walking through the forest, trying his best to not let the tears fall from his eyes even though they would hurt him, without it being his fault so he didn't have to feel guilty, he didn't want his face to be even more burned than it already was. The tears wouldn't kill him.

He came across an ocean. He looked out at an island that was barely visible. There was a large tower that was made out of several different blocks. It looked like it was built in extreme haste.

Ranboo saw what looked like a small wooden hut. He quickly made a boat and rode it to the island. When he got out of the boat and walked onto the beach he saw a teenager sitting on the porch of the small house that Ranboo had seen earlier.

"Hello?" The person asks, standing up and looking at the newcomer. 

"Hello..." Ranboo says, walking closer.

"Who are you?" The person asks, voice sounding broken and desperate.

"My name is Ranboo. Who are you?" Ranboo asks.

"I'm Tommy. Why do you look like that?" Tommy asks, noticing the half black and half black nature of this Ranboo guy's skin.

"Oh- I'm half enderman, half ghast." Ranboo says. "Did you say you're name is Tommy? As in: Tommy Watson?"

"Yes. Why?" Tommy asks.

"Well... Your father adopted me." Ranboo says. "Shortly after you were exiled." He adds.

"So you're my... brother?" Tommy asks, in a happier but still broken voice.

"I guess so." Ranboo says.

"Cool. I've never had any siblings, but I guess you already knew that." Tommy says. "So, what brings you here?"

"I guess... I was exiled too." Ranboo says.

"Really? From L'manburg?" Tommy asks.

"No. From Techno's house..." Ranboo says.

"You know Techno? And where he lives?" Tommy asks, excitedly.

"Yeah..." Ranboo says sadly.

"How old are you?" Tommy asks, noticing the forlorn look on Ranboo's face.

"Twelve." Ranboo says.

"Hmm... Let me tell you, Ranboo. It'll get better. You can stay here with me, it'll be easier with two people here." Tommy says.

"What's that tower for?" Ranboo asks, pointing to the tower he had seen from the main land. "If you don't mind me asking."

"No it's fine. That's from when I almost killed myself, for real." Tommy says. "Like to keep it there as a reason for me to keep going."

"Oh... I want to kill myself right about now." Ranboo says.

"You don't really. You just want whatever's bothering you to go away." Tommy says. "I'll help you. You won't have to feel like that for long. I'm pretty fun to have around." He adds, putting his arms around Ranboo's shoulders and walking back towards the house. Ranboo was just as tall as Tommy despite being four years younger than him. "I'll teach you everything I know."

"Thank you." Ranboo says.

"Of course. It'll be nice to have someone else here." Tommy says.


The yelling had stopped a while ago and Phil was sitting on the couch, exhausted from the amount of energy that two hour long yelling match took. Techno was in the bedroom that he and Dream shared.

They were currently laying in bed, Techno sitting up against the back board reading a book while Dream was leaned back on his chest, messing with his hoodie strings.

Eret and Ghostbur were in the other bedroom, looking out of the window at the stars.


~Let's pretend Tommy was exiled to an island =} Let's also pretend that Ranboo and Tommy have never met and that Ranboo wasn't there when Tommy ransacked George's house =} Umm... things escalated a little quickly there... Anyways... This didn't go quite where I expected it to but I like where it went. Anyways... hope you enjoyed this triple update day. I will never (maybe never) do that again. :)

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