Things are getting a little sus.

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~I've had this book up for over 2 months?! 0_0... Heh?! Thanks for over 100k total reads... means a lot <3 TW-> blood


"We should start with talking to Puffy." Phil says.

"Dream!" Techno calls up the stairs.

"Yes?!" Dream yells back, poking his head out of the bedroom door.

"Get your stuff together, we're going to go interrogate people." Techno says.

"Why?" Dream asks, pulling the red hoodie over his head as he walks down the stairs towards the other two men.

"Eret is... You good?" Techno asks with a slight chuckle, seeing that Dream's mask was stuck on the neck hole of the hoodie and he was struggling greatly to figure it out.

"I'm- fine." Dream says, turning in circles as he tries to get his head and the mask through the hole without hurting himself or taking the mask off. "Ah... See, I don't need your help." He says, finally getting the hoodie on and straightening it.

"Yeah, okay... Eret is gone and we need to find him." Techno says. "We'll talk to Puffy first then start looking at other people."

"Wait- Eret's gone?!" Dream asks, shocked by the information.

"Yes." Techno says flatly.

"Went missing last night, at least that's when Puffy and Tubbo notified me." Phil says.

"This isn't good." Dream says.

"That's why we have to get going." Techno says.

"Right. Let's go." Dream says, walking towards the door.

Phil gives Techno a look of 'you're dating that thing?'

"Shut up." Techno says, walking after his Dream.


"When exactly did Eret go missing?" Techno asks, leaning his shoulder against the wall and looking out of the window at the woods that reside beside the castle. They were in the castle's main office, one of the highests parts of the castle that had a huge balcony overlooking the castle's back garden.

"I noticed about midday yesterday when he failed to leave his bed chambers. I didn't check sooner because, while they usually get up early, they could have been sleeping in and I did not wish to disturb his majesty's alone time." Puffy says, speaking in a very formal voice and tone.

"Hmm... Can we see 'his majesty's bed chambers'?" Techno asks, mocking Puffy's formal way of addressing the matter.

"Yes." Puffy says through her teeth. She leads the three to Eret's room, Phil had been here, not too long ago, before Puffy was assigned to be his bodyguard.

They enter the bedroom to find the room in shambles, everything, the bedding, books, clothes, and some expensive looking decor, was strewn across the floor. The curtains had been torn down from the windows, the widows in question were all open, and the doors to the closet and bathroom were both wide open, both rooms also in shambles.

"I've left the room in the state I found it in." Puffy says, seeing the looks on the three men's faces.

Techno starts to walk around the room, inspecting every little detail. He notices a scent that smells familiar, but he can't quite place it. His heightened senses of smell, sight, and hearing, from being a piglin hybrid, were picking up things none of the others could. He saw several small bits of fluff that matched the fluff on Puffy's head and parts of her body.

Techno looked suspiciously at Puffy but didn't say anything, instead moving to the bathroom that was off of the left side of the room. He looks around, seeing more fluffy fur and that same scent. Here, on the tile floor, he sees scratches. He bends down to inspect them, they create a circle that's divided into five equal pieces, each one having a different symbol, a cycle of the moon, and a letter.

The first one had a waxing crescent, a weird squiggly symbol, and the letter 'G' in it. The second contained a waxing gibbous, a triangle symbol, and the letter 'B'. The third had a full moon, an 'S' looking symbol, and the letter 'E'. The fourth had a waning gibbous, a circle type symbol, and the letter 'K'. The last one had a waning crescent, a symbol that looked like an 'M' and a 'W' combined, and the letter 'C'.

Techno observes the scratches in the floor a bit longer, before realising the state of the huge bathtub.

"Oh, shit..." Techno whispers to himself, seeing the bath was practically painted in dark crimson blood. He walks closer to the tub, looking further into it, he sees Eret's crown sitting on the bottom of the tub, perfectly in the middle.

"They killed Eret! Oh my god! I don't know if I should be sad, angry, turned on, or excited... How about sad and angry. How about excited, do you see all that blood. And the symbol. OH MY GOD THEY SACRIFICED THE KING! HELL YEAH! BLOOD! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! e... ... E... ... E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. E."

Techno's voices continue to be excited about the scene in front of the piglin hybrid. He barely notices, or hears, Dream walk into the bathroom behind him given the astronomical volume his voices were yelling at.

"What the fuck?!" Dream yells, gripping Techno's arm.

"Yeah... I was shocked too, when I saw it..." Puffy says in a monotone voice that was very uncharacteristic of her.

"This is... Interesting..." Phil says, looking into the bathroom.

Dream looks up at Techno and see's the mostly blank face he wore. He pulls back slightly, still holding his arm just at a distance.

Techno shakes his head, tuning the voices out as much as possible. He looks at the masked man beside him and gives him a reassuring smile to tell him that was not the one who did this, nor would he... At least not like this...

"Why was the state of this room not something you told us about right away?" Techno asks, turning towards Puffy.

"I was going to, but you didn't give me the chance to." Puffy says.

"Is it because you didn't want us to find out about this?" Techno asks, taking a step closer to the sheep hybrid.

"No." Puffy says. "I'm completely fine with you knowing about this. It's better if you do know."

"Or is it because your fur is in places it shouldn't be?" Techno asks.

"That was from when I was searching the room for the king." Puffy says. "I tend to shed when I'm stressed."

"Mhm." Techno hums, glaring at the sheep, not believing a single word that leaves her mouth.


~The song "Ghost" by Badflower, good song go listen to it, came on and the lyrics "take the blade away from me" came on and I was like, "Not The Blade. Don't take Techno away from me." I know that's not what it means but it's what I thought of so shut up. Anyways... hope you enjoyed this chapter. I didn't proofread and I had to write the end on my phone because my computer died and I don't have my charger for it :)

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