Ghostbuster Moment

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~if there are any questions regarding the information in the beginning note please feel free to ask and I will try to clarify. Also sorry for my absence, the struggle has gotten real.


"I came as soon as I got that letter." Eret says, jogging up to the three who were still sat on the porch, Skeppy jogging along side him.

Techno stands up, telling Dream to stay sitting (dog Dream moment) as he too started getting up.

"I have a few things with me here, but I'm not sure what all we'll need." Eret says, taking the bag that was over their shoulder off and setting it on the wood below his feet.

"Sounds like more than a few things." Dream says, referring to the clunk sound the bag had made upon contact with the porch.

"Yeah... it was all important though..." Eret says. "Umm... where is the most active spot?" They ask, turning back to Techno.

"Umm... everywhere?" Techno says, looking at Dream who shrugs.

"Okay..." Eret says.

"Just like... come see?" Techno asks more than says, the awkwardness of his socializing skills showing.

Eret follows Techno inside the cabin, leaving Skeppy outside with Dream and Toua.

"Hey, Skeppy." Dream says, waving a hand.

"Hey." Skeppy says, continuing to stand, trying to to make it obvious that he was suspicious of the young hybrid who was sat next to the masked man.

"Sit." Dream says, gesturing to the space on the porch ('okay' by porches is a good song. That just reminded me of it...) not too far in front of him.

Skeppy does so, leaning his back on the railing behind him.

They sit there in silence for a while, Dream closing his eyes as Toua glares at Skeppy who tries not to look directly at her, scared that she might some how turn him to stone or some shit.

"Oh- this is Skeppy." Dream says, turning to the cat hybrid next to him and gesturing towards Skeppy. "And this is Toua."

"Hi-" Skeppy says, stopping and flinching when the youngling hisses at him, wrapping her tail around Dream's arm.

"As you can see... she's a lot like Techno." Dream says. (Like father like son... is that even how you say that saying? Who cares?)


"Oh... oh... this- this is... something..." Eret says, seeing the dust in the floor and the writing in the walls.

"We figured out that it's Wilbur. I asked if the orange was special and he wrote opposite." Techno says.

"And blue is opposite orange in the color wheel. Okay..." Eret says, a hand on his chin in thought. "Okay..."

"And he's been throwing stuff and hitting Dream." Techno says, ears twitching at the mention of someone hitting his Dream.

"Hmm... I think I have everything I need to help Wilbur leave this place." Eret says. "Any particular reason why you'd like him out of your house?" They ask, pulling a few things out of their bag.

"No." Techno says, lying much better than when he'd tried lying to Phil that one time. (#throwbackmoment) "just rather not have him here." It wasn't a complete lie.

"Okay." Eret says. "I think I've got it all ready. Do you happen to have water and lava?"

"I have water. I can go get lava from the nether." Techno says, starting to walk towards the kitchen.

"That would be great. Umm... off topic question, who was that out there with Dream?" Eret asks, taking the bucket of water that Techno hands him.

"None of your business, your highness." Techno says through his teeth.

"Techno! Be nice to Eret. Yeah! They've done nothing to you! What would Dream say? He'd say be civil, so be civil. But Eret did ask about Toua and she doesn't like people knowing about her. That voice is right. Kill him. Y'all turn too fast. Yeah, don't break your necks making those turns. Shut up, bitch! MAKE ME! If I could put my hands on you... don't make this weir- THAT'S VERY SUS OF YOU! That voice is acting awfully sus."

Techno ignores his voices as he heads down to the level with the nether portal on it. He enters the nether and gets a bucket full of lava before leaving and carefully climbing the ladder back to the living room where he sees more orange writing on the walls.

"Wilbur said that they want him gone..." Eret says, turning from the words they stood in front of and taking the lava from Techno's hands.

"Yeah. Us." Techno says.

"He said they were dark and unfriendly." Eret says.

"Yeah. Us." Techno says again.

Eret turns to look at Techno, eyebrows furrowed in questioning.

"I mean- I don't know what he's talking about." Techno says, looking over at the few words written. "How'd you get that from only these?"

"Just know." Eret says.

Techno turns and watches as Eret pours the water all over the floor.

"What the hell?" Techno complains.

"Trust the process." Eret says, briefly looking over their shoulder at the piglin hybrid. "I'm going to pour the lava on the floor as well."

Techno makes a sound of protest but it's too late, the lava was being poured in his precious wood floors. He's just glad there's nothing under this part of the house.


"What's that burning smell?" Skeppy asks, looking into the open front door and seeing a bright orange liquid fall from somewhere in front of the king who blocked his path of vision.

Dream smells the air before turning to look around the corner to his right. "Oh... Techno's not gonna like that..." he turns back but jumps when he sees Toua very close, leaning over his lap to look inside.

She sits back and looks off into the woods to her left.


"My floors..." Techno whispers, looking at the hole in his floor.

"It was worth it." Eret says, patting the hybrid's shoulder. "Wilbur was able to leave."

"How do you know that?" Techno asks, taking a step back from the king who was closer than he'd expected him to be. (It's not very close but like just on the edge of the personal bubble area)

"Just do." Eret says, picking up the few things he'd placed on the floor. "I can help clean up if you'd like." They offer.

Techno sighs. "I don't want to ask but like... could you rebuild my floor?"

"Of course." Eret says, smiling. "I did ruin it, why shouldn't I be the one to fix it?" (If only everyone thought that way...)


~Who you gonna call? Eret, our one and only Queen. Also Skeppy content pog? Wilbur was able to leave. No more re-dead Ghostbur content... sorry... anyways... hope you enjoyed:)

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