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~Hi. I'm back. I'm tired. I'm also writing this at a late hour of the night. (8:45pm) sarcasm. Am I right? Anyways...


"Please teach me how to cook, Techno." Dream whines with his arms wrapped out Techno's arm, practically hanging on it, as Techno drags the green man along behind him on his way to the front door.

"No." Techno says for the fifth time since this conversation started, which was when he'd left the storage room and had almost ran into Dream who must've been looking for him.

"Please?" Dream whines again, this time holding out each vowel.

"No." Techno says again, grabbing a sword off of the wall and reaching for the door handle.

"Why not?" Dream asks, holding Techno back from going through the door.

"Because you're really fucking bad at it." Techno says, looking down at the man who's struggling to hold him in place.

"That's why I need you to teach me." Dream says, still whining.

"If I say 'yes' will you stop this?" Techno asks, gesturing to Dream's while being at the moment.

Dream nods, maintaining eye contact with the piglin hybrid.

Technoblade sighs, "fine. Whatever, I'll try to teach you."

"Yay." Dream says, letting go of Techno's arm and skipping off into the kitchen.

Techno watches after him, a small smile on his face, before looking over at the feline hybrid who was curled up on the couch, staring into the unlit fireplace.

"Do you want to join?" Techno asks.

"Sure." Toua says, face twitching and tail swinging to be over her legs instead on on the couch behind them.

"Okay..." Techno says before walking into the kitchen and seeing Dream sitting on the counter swinging his legs and occasionally hitting the cabinet.

"What should we start with, teach?" Dream asks, looking up at the other.

"What do you want to make?" Techno asks.

"Whatever you think you could teach me how to make." Dream says, looking over the other's shoulder for a second as the youngling entered the kitchen.

Techno glances over at Toua as she jumps to sit on the counter before looking back at Dream. "Let me see what we have in here." He says, walking over to the fridge.

(Guess what I literally just now found out... I can't participate in the first semester of dance team at my school. First semester is my favorite because it's football season and football games are much better than basketball games. I can't because I didn't pass the five classes I had to last year because I literally couldn't focus at all on really any of my classes. I'm fine. Dance team definitely wasn't one of my reasons to keep living. It definitely wasn't helping with my confidence and my anxiety. I defiantly am completely okay with this outcome. I'm fine. Maybe if I keep saying it it'll be true?)

"What was it that you were trying to make that one time?" Techno asks, looking over the fridge door at the man he would attempt to teach.

"Some kind of stew, or soup? I don't know the difference..." Dreams says, shrugging.

Techno sighs, looking back into the fridge, thinking of what to do with this un-help-able blob of green.

"Let's try and-" Techno starts before being cut off my Dream.

Remember ~Dreamnoblade~ pt1Where stories live. Discover now