Lies and Visiting of The Blade

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~I found a place on my hip that bleeds easily :) just thought y'all should know. Anyways... on with this chapter my lovlies <3


"Oh! God... Hello." Tubbo says, walking into his office and seeing a tall man looking out of the window in the corner.

"Hello, Tubbo." Wilbur says, turning around and facing the short president.

"How are you?" Tubbo asks.

"Good, good. I've been visiting the prison lately and I've noticed Karl has been, for lack of better word, lacking is his ability to keep the prisoners... in line." Wilbur says, voice unreadable.

"Oh, really?" Tubbo says, voice full of genuine concern.

"Yeah. I was thinking that maybe he should have another helper in his job; it isn't an easy one." Wilbur says, leaning a hand on the desk and messing with a pencil.

"Yes. That probably should've been a thing I thought about beforehand." Tubbo says.

"I can help him out. I've got nothing else to do, and I know a thing or two about how to keep people in line." Wilbur says, sitting on the desk and crossing his arms in a comfortable manner.

"Yeah, that would be a good thing. You can go see Karl and he can show you some stuff about how to do the things... Yeah." Tubbo says. "I'll come with you."

Wilbur nods, following after Tubbo who leads him out of the presidential building (idk what to call it) and over to the prison.


"Hello, Karl." Tubbo says, waving to the guard after walking though the front door.

"Hello, Tubbo. Wilbur." Karl says, nodding at the two.

"Uh... I hear you need some-" Tubbo starts to say, but stops when Wilbur gently hits his arm and whispers in his ear.

"We don't want him to feel bad. Don't tell him about his lack of abilities." Wilbur says, to which Tubbo nods.

"Umm... Wilbur, here, would like to have a job working here, at the prison, with you..." Tubbo says.

"Don't make it sound like this is a set up for a fanfiction." Wilbur says, walking over to Karl and sitting on the front desk.

"Right... Sorry. Umm... Yeah..." Tubbo says. "He's here so you can show him the ropes of the job, or show him a job he can do, I don't know..." 

"Okay." Karl says. "Come right this way, we'll get you searched and then get you suited up."

"Suited up?" Wilbur asks.

"Armor. Don't want to get hurt." Karl says, leading him over towards a door to the left of the front desk.

"Oh." Wilbur says.

"Mhm. See you later Tubbo." Karl says, waving at the president before unlocking the door and opening it.

"See ya." Tubbo says, waving to the two before the disappear behind the, now closed, door.


"Should we visit The Blade, Ranboo?" Tommy asks. "He seems to be on better term with the old man and he did not kill us last time." 

"Why are you talking like that?" Ranboo asks.

"Because it is funny." Tommy says.

"Maybe we shouldn't... It's a long walk and what would we even do once there?" Ranboo asks.

"Chill." Tommy says.

"We can do that here." Ranboo says.

"But with The Blade." Tommy says. "We can get combat lessons from The Blade."

"Why do you say The Blade like that?" Ranboo asks as Tommy keeps says 'The Blade' in a dramatic manner.

"Because, Ranboo, The Blade." Tommy says.

"Fine. Sure. Only if dad says it's okay." Ranboo says.

"Ugh. Why do we have to ask him?" Tommy complains.

"Because he should know." Ranboo says, follow Tommy as he walks upstairs to where Phil was resting his old back.

"Philza Minecraft! We are going to The Blade's house and there is nothing you can do about it!" Tommy yells upon reaching the top step.

"Be safe, take water and food. It's along walk. Are you sure you know your way?" Phil says a lot all at once.

"Uh..." Tommy says.

"Follow one of the crows." Phil says, calling for one to come. It flies through the window and perches on the headboard of the bed. "Show them the way to Techno's house." He says in the crow language. 

It nods before turning and looking at the two young men.

"Cool. Let's go." Tommy says, walking down the stairs and out of the house, leaving Ranboo to grab the stuff their father told them to grab.


"Who is that?" Tommy asks.

"Who? Techno and Dream?" Ranboo asks.

"No, dumbass. The person on the roof." Tommy says, pointing up slightly. Ranboo follows the point and sees a blue and purple figure on the roof. 

"Are you aware that there is a person on your roof?!" Tommy calls out, as they approach the two people who were throwing snow at each other.

They both look up at the approaching children, before looking at the roof where Toua now stands, watching the two new comers closely.

"Yeah." Techno says in a tone that is not the friendliest.

"Okay... Who is that?" Tommy asks.

"That's Toua." Dream says, glancing up at the crouched cat hybrid who is observing the young lads.

She then stands back up before jumping off of the roof and landing in the snow.

"Holy- What the fuck?!" Tommy yelps, jumping and turning around.

Toua just looks at him, scanning over his face and hair.

"Who the hell- What?!" Tommy says as Toua starts looking over Ranboo.

"She's a cat hybrid, she's ten years old, and live here now." Dream says.

"So... She's like... Your guys' daughter?" Tommy asks as Ranboo face turns to one of fear as the cat hybrid has started glaring at him.

"Umm..." Dream says, looking over at Techno who shrugs his shoulders. He looks back at the teen and shrugs as well.

Tommy scoffs. "Okay..." He says.


~Fathernoblade? Daddy Dream? ANYWAYS! Kinda sus ngl... (all three of those 'words' have red squigglies under them. Hope you enjoyed :)

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