Things are getting a little scandalous at Techno's house

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~Once again, I wasn't planning on doing another part today but here we are... writing another part. BTW!!!!! I'm addicted to Diet Pepsi, have been for like 2 years now ngl... anyways...


Technoblade sighed as he walked back to his house, it was now almost morning. He had been chopping down trees all night to clear his mind.

He walked into his house and saw his bedroom door open and Dream nowhere to be seen. He put his ax in the weapons display and took his cape off. He walked into the bedroom, slowly, with an eyebrow raised.

When he actually saw the scene, he blinked a few times, trying to make sure he was seeing right. In his bed, cuddled up in his pillows and blankets, was Dream. He was fast asleep in Techno's bed.

Techno stood there for a second, mouth agape, face full of disbelief, before shaking the shock out of his head and walking over to his closet. He grabbed a red button up shirt, and a pair of black pants. He quickly changed, hoping and praying that Dream didn't choose right now as a time to wake up.

To Technoblade's dismay, he turned around and met green eyes.

"Hey..." Dream says in a raspy voice, burying his face in the pillow he was hugging.

"Hi..." Techno replies.

They stay there for a while in the type of silence that's comfortable but get's automatically awkward when someone talks.

"I'm hungry..." Dream mutters into the pillow.

"If you make my bed then maybe I'll consider making some food for you." Techno says, walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

This is when Dream realizes just how messed up the blankets are. He's on the opposite side of the bed as when he fell asleep, not to mention, somehow under the covers now. The covers are diagonal, most of the pillows are on the side of the bed he's on and those that aren't, are on the floor. The blanket is all bunched up around him, even though only this bottom half is under them.

Dream sleepily gets up and makes the bed. He then starts walking out of the room when he stops and looks down at the clothes he's been wearing for the past three days. He turns around walks over to the closet that has Techno's clothes in it. He opens the door and sees that it's full of mostly fancy clothes.

"Is he sure he's not a king?"  Dream thinks before seeing a red t-shirt that he pairs with a pair of black tight-ish fitting pants.

When Dream walks into the kitchen he's met with the smell of potato.

"Do you only eat potatoes?" Dream asks, sitting on the island because he's too tired to stand.

"Yes... You got a-" Techno says, turning around and seeing Dream wearing his clothes.

"Okay... That's hotter than expected..." Techno's mind thinks without him wanting it too. "Why're you wearing my clothes?" Techno asks in a voice that's more demanding than he'd meant it to be.

"Because mine were dirty." Dream says before a smile creeps onto his face. "If you've got a problem with it then I can take them off..." He adds, taking the bottom of the shirt in his hands, starting to take it off.

"No-" Techno says, grabbing Dreams wrist and holding it in place. "That won't be necessary." Techno says, swallowing nervously.

Dream smiles at the blush that takes over Techno's face as the man tries desperately not to make eye contact. "If you say so..."

"I do say so." Techno says, letting go of Dream's wrist and turning around to tend to whatever it is he's making.

"What cha making?" Dream asks, "Bacon..." He adds quietly, having just realized a few seconds ago that Technoblade had Piglin ears on the sides of his head. (Dream isn't saying what Techno's cooking, he's using 'bacon' as a nickname. I saw confusion about that...<3)

"I hate you." Techno says lowly. "I'm making potato muffins."

"Ooo..." Dream says, hopping off the counter and walking to stand beside Techno. "When'll they be ready?" He asks, dipping his finger in the batter and licking it off. (not in a sexual way... not yet my lovlies) 

Techno looks up at Dream, not really looking up being taller than Dream even if by two or three inches, with a raised eyebrow. His brain pauses for a moment, realizing just how close he and Dream are. "In twenty minutes or so." Techno says, swatting Dream's hand away as he goes for another taste.

"Why's it gotta take so long?" Dream dramatically complains, sitting on the island again.

"If you're so upset about how long it'll take then how about you go feed my animals outside." Techno says.

"Feeding animals has nothing to do with not wanting to wait for food." Dream says, crossing his arms.

"I don't care. Go feed my animals." Technoblade says, pouring the batter into the muffin tins.

"I don't even know where the food is." Dream says, hopping off the counter again.

"It's in the room you left the door open to." Techno says, annoyed.

"Where, in there?" Dream asks dramatically.

"You'll see..." Techno says, putting the muffins in the oven.

"Fine." Dream says, really dragging out the 'ine' part.


"Okay animals, here you go." Dream says, giving the animals their food. "You're really pretty." Dream says to the Arctic Fox. "I've never seen anything like you before." He adds, patting it's head.

It's then that Dream sees something flying over the house. It has huge wings and what looks like a green body. Dream doesn't trust it and instead runs inside.

"Technoblade! There's something in the sky with huge wings!" Dream yells, almost running into the Piglin hybrid while walking into the kitchen.

"It's just Phil." Techno says, calmly.

Dream gives him a confused look, causing Techno to remember why Dream is here in the first place.

"Don't worry... Phil is just my friend. He means no harm." Techno says, reassuringly.

Dream nods before there's a knock on the door.


~That got a bit scandalous I'm not gonna lie. Also Philza pog? Anyways, y'all got some Dreamnoblade moments and some flustered Techno in this chapter... *_* anyways I hope you enjoyed it because I wasn't planning on it. :)

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