Wake Up Time

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"Dream." Ghostbur whispers in the unmasked man's ear. Dream was laying on his left side, face inches away from Techno's who was laying on his right side.

Ghostbur hadn't realized the clothes scattered around the floor, too focused on his task of waking them up.

Dream stirs slightly, moving closer to Techno.

"Dream." Ghostbur whispers again. "Time to wake up, it's morning. Techno." He says, floating to the other side of the bed and getting in Techno's personal space. "It's time to wake up little brother, you need to help rebuild the city." He says in a weirdly high pitched voice, almost teasingly.

Techno grunts, jumping slightly as he wakes up. He looks around for a second, eyes adjusting to being open. He looks at the ghost above them then at the sleeping beauty in front of him then back at the ghost before realizing just how naked he is.

"Ghostbur!" He says in shocks, holding the blanket, he was very glad the ghost couldn't oull off of them, tighter. "Wha- what are you doing here?" 

"I came to wake you up. Phil said that I should since I'm not able to do much to help." Ghostbur says as Dream stirs some more, cuddling into Techno's chest.

Techno looks up at the ghost who looks like he might burst into little ghost pieces due to cuteness overload.

"Give us like ten minutes and we'll be out." Techno says. "Not a word of what you've seen to anyone." He adds in a stern voice, causing the ghost to look at the state of the room.

"Ooo... This looks interesting. I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Thanks." Ghostbur says with a smile, floating out of the room. "And-" He says, poking his head back through the door where Techno was starting to get up. Techno quickly pulled the covers closer to his body. "Ranboo is really very sorry about what he did and he wanted me to tell you- well Phil wanted me to tell you but still." The finishes, actually leaving this time.

"Why are you getting up?" Dream asks, grabbing onto Techno's arm as Technoblade stood from the bed.

"We gotta, we said we would so we have to." Techno says.

"I didn't agree to get up."

"No. To helping rebuild." Techno says.

"Oh..." Dream says, letting go of Techno's arm and laying back on the bed.

"I also said ten minutes so get up."

"So bossy." Dream says, sitting up.

"You're doing it though so it's effective." Techno says, pulling on some pants.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... whatever." Dream says, putting his mask on and getting up to put clothes on.

Techno had to admit, Dream naked in just the mask was an interesting site that he didn't know if he liked or not...


They walked into the town square where Tubbo was giving people directions. Ranboo and Phil were over by, what seemed like, a library of sorts. Tommy was by Tubbo's side, making his job harder than need be, the usual Tommy happenings. A few others were strewn about while others were no where to be seen, presumably working on the new prison.

Techno and Dream wait off to the side and wait for the president to tell them what to do.

"I'd much rather do my own thing." Techno says, leaning ever so slightly closer to the man who was two inches shorter than himself.

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