Preparation (and not the sexual kind... oop-)

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~well that's one hell of a title 0~o


"How did it find us?" Techno asks, having just read over the letter.

"Hmm... I never thought about that." Eret says.

"I don't know much about parrots but if they communicated with the crows then they could've, very well, found out where we are." Phil says taking the letter from Technoblade.

Techno glares at Phil out of the corner of his eye.

"What's the game plan, men?" Tommy asks.

"I have some thing I need to get. Dream and Phil, you guys can come with me to get that. The rest of you can get prepared for hand to hand combat." Techno says. "Swords and axes are on the wall in my bedroom." He adds, leading Phil and Dream to a secret room that's by the mine.

"Dream, you can do the TNT." Techno says, pointing to a chest in the corner. Dream nods and walks over to the chest, getting the TNT out and smiling under his mask. "Phil..." Techno says, sighing at the fact that he has to talk to him. "You can do the withers." Techno says, opening a chest full of wither skulls and soulsand.

Phil's eyes go wide at the quantity of skulls. "How-"

"Shut up before I punch you in the face." Techno says in through his teeth.

"We don't need to get in a fight right now. We need to focus on the problem at hand." Phil says.

"The problem at the end of my hand will be your throat if you don't shut up." Techno says. "I'm in charge here, don't test me."

"I see the voices are angry today." Phil says smugly.

"You fucking-" Techno says, holding Phil up against the wall with a hand around his throat, holding the man up off of the ground slightly.

"Woah! Woah, woah, woah. We don't need to do that. This is- This is not a thing to- be doing- right now." Dream says, rushing over and separating the two with some difficulty.

The two glare at each other, Techno's ears twitch in annoyance and so do Phil's wings that had unfolded from his back in reaction.

"Say sorry..." Dream says, like he's talking to two children.

"I'll say sorry when he does." Techno says.

"Say sorry for what?! I'm not the one who almost choked someone to death!" Phil yells.

"You know what you god damn did!" Techno yells back.

Phil straightens up a bit and straightens his robe as well. "I'm sorry." He says, in a less than nice manner.

"I'm sorry." Techno says, in a quiet and dark voice.

"Good... Now... We can continue with the war." Dream says, following the two who are walking quickly out of the room. They stay as far away from each other as possible.


"Here." Techno says, dropping several suits of full netherite armor on the ground in front of the rest of the people.

"Woah." Tommy says, grabbing a set and putting it on.

Ranboo nervously grabs a set after everyone else has gotten theirs.

"It's going to be a long walk so you two can carry food." Techno says, pointing at the two youngest.

"I don't want to carry food." Tommy says. 

"Too bad. You're carrying the food." Techno says, handing them both a bag of food.

"What the hell is in this? It weighs like a thousand pounds." Tommy says, lifting the bag up and dropping it back on the ground. 

"Food." Techno says, starting to walk in the direction of the former L'Manburg. "And an anvil each."

"Why do we need anvils?" Tommy asks, lifting the bag and putting it over his shoulder.

"You never know." Techno says, shrugging.

"Why's it gotta be in with the fuckin' food?" Tommy complains.

"No room anywhere else." Techno says. "I also couldn't see you struggle unless I put them in there." He says.

"I hate you." Tommy says and Ranboo stays silent even though he was struggling.

Techno smiles and continues to walk.


After two hours pass, Tommy starts complaining again.

"Techno? Can we take a rest? I'm tired." He says, whining like a child.

"Not yet." Techno says.

"Then when?" Tommy asks, setting the bags, he was carrying, on the ground.

"When I feel like it." Techno says, not once looking back at the person he was talking to. 

"I bet that if Dream asked for a break you'd give it to him." Tommy says.

"Because he's not as annoying as you." Techno says.

"Not as annoying?" Dream asks.

"Ooo... You're in trouble now, Blade." Tommy says, picking the bags back up and catching up to the rest of the group.

"You're annoying sometimes." Techno says, looking at the masked man who's walking beside him.

"Yeah?" Dream asks. "Is this annoying?" He asks, moving his mask to the side just enough to kiss Techno on the cheek.

Techno blushes and looks away.

"Eww!" Tommy yells, shielding his eyes.

"Well... Is it?" Dream asks.

"No..." Techno says quietly.

"That's what I thought." Dream says, satisfied with the way he made Techno blush.

"That's disgusting! Never do it again!" Tommy complains.

"You still don't want to have love like theirs when you're older?" Ghostbur asks, floating back to be by Tommy.

"You fuckin'. Shut up." Tommy says.

The rest of them tune the two bickering (somewhat) brothers out as they continues to walk.


"Now can we take a break?" Tommy asks. They've now been walking for five hours.

"I suppose we can in another hour." Techno says.

"Oh my god. Techno! I need a break. My bones..." Tommy starts complaining again.

"I thought you were a 'big man', Tommy. You should be able to handle this." Dream says.

"Fuck you. I am a big man. I'm bigger than all of you." Tommy says, straightening his back only to immediately go back to a slouched state.

They continue walking, planning to only rest every six hours. If they had to stop to sleep then they would but it wasn't in Techno's plans.


~Ahaha. Tommy and Techno being like brothers is great. Anyways... My ankle still hurts and it's been over a month. I'm not mad. You are. I don't even know what I did to it but it still hurts to do anything. Like it's fine, I can deal with it while walking or doing dance but when it comes to gymnastics, even with the brace, it's just ✨pain✨. And usually I don't complain about pain because ✨depression✨ but this is getting out of hand like just. Get better you little fuck. Anyways. I hope you enjoyed this un-proofread chapter :)

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