You're welcome ;)

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~Today is my cat's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's eight years old... she's the love of my life and I don't ever want to imagine a world without her. Without her I physically wouldn't be anywhere... anyways... In honor of it being my little lovey dovey baby KitKat's birthday, here's this. Oh yeah! It's nae nae time. *Puts sunglasses on*


"Why don't you get in the water?" Dream asks, standing in knee deep water.

Technoblade and Dream were out exploring like Dream wanted to the previous day. They were at a river in the spruce forest not too far from where Dream had woken up about a week ago now.

"Because the water is cold." Techno says, crossing his arms.

"It's not that bad." Dream says, taking his mask off and throwing it at Techno before dipping his head under the water. He had waded into the deepest part of the river that was up to his shoulders.

"There's literally ice right there." Techno says after catching the mask.

"Whatever." Dream says, floating on his back. "What do you think Ghostbur will find out?"

"I'm not sure... I just hope that nothing bad happens." Technoblade says.

"Me too..." Dream says, causing them to fall into a comfortable silence.

Techno watches as Dream swims around fluidly.

"Like what you see?" Dream asks, catching Techno completely off guard.

"I-" Techno stops himself before regaining his composure. "Sure..." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Don't act like you weren't watching me that whole time." Dream says, walking out of the water.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself..." Techno says, looking away as Dream takes off the now soaked shirt he was wearing.

"Will you climb a tree with me?" Dream asks, putting the hoodie on that he had discarded before getting in the water.

"No." Techno says.

"Why?" Dream asks, putting his hand out to ask for his mask back.

Techno looks at the hand, outstretched towards him, suspiciously.

"My mask..." Dream says, reading the confusion on the hybrid's face.

"Oh-" Techno says, handing the mask back to Dream.

"Please climb a tree with me." Dream begs.

"No." Techno says as they start walking back to the cabin.

"Please?" Dream asks, dragging out the end more than necessary.


"Please?!" Dream says louder.

"No." Techno says, still keeping his voice as monotone as usual.

"Techno... Please?!" Dream whines, pulling on the sleeve of Technoblade's shirt.

"No." Techno says, mind racing at the touch.

"Please!" Dream fake moans, causing Techno to stop dead in his tracks. "Please climb a tree with me." Dream says normally.

Technoblade looks at Dream for a second. "Fine..." He says, giving in to Dream's persistence.

"Yay." Dream says, moving his mask to the side and leaning in before he even realizes it. His lips meet Techno's for a split second before he's pushed away. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to- I just-"

"It's fine..." Techno says, his face as red as ever and eyes wide in shock.

"I seriously don't know what got into me... I just-"

"I said it's fine..." Techno says calmly.

"No, No- I-"

"Just shut up. Let's go back to the house..." Techno says, causing them to fall into an awkward silence as they walk back; Dream being slightly farther back than Techno.

(what I wrote in the layout of this chapter makes me laugh... I wrote, "<Techno's voices going bat shit crazy because of Dream's kiss>" Just thought I'd say that...)

"He kissed us! Techno why'd you push him away?! You dumb ass! We could've gotten some of that beautiful green blob! Did y'all here how Dream moaned? Yes! That was so hot. It really was. Tech-noblade! Why'd you push him away?!  You should've kissed him back! It caught me off guard you assholes. I don't care about that! You should've kissed him again after you pushed him! Yeah! You should've kissed him! You missed your chance, Blade... And now look at you two; all awkward and shit. Yeah... You could've prevented the awkwardness. You two could've been walking hand in hand right now but no, you pushed him away."


Dinner that night is eaten in silence. Dream keeps messing with his food while sitting all slouched but still in a tense uncomfortable manner.

While they clean up after dinner, Techno washing the dishes and Dream cleaning off the counters and table, Techno says, "I don't think you believed me when I said that it was fine."

"Because it wasn't" Dream says, standing up and turning towards Techno while looking at the towel in his hands that he starts fidgeting with. "You were obviously uncomfortable; making it not okay."

"I wasn't exactly uncomfortable, just caught off guard." Techno says.

"What do you mean?"

"It means I wouldn't mind if you did it again..." Techno says in a very quiet whisper.

"What?" Dream asks, not hearing Techno properly.

Techno then turns around and walks the few steps towards Dream, moving the mask aside and grabbing the face of the man his voices had been obsessing over for years and pressing his lips to his.

Dream gasps before kissing back, wrapping his arms around Techno's waist in the process. They pull back from each other, Techno's eyes still closed as he processes what he just did, and Dream moving his mask back in place so he can properly see Techno.

Technoblade opens his eyes and smiles slightly at the masked man in front of him before pulling back completely and wiping his hands on his pants before going back to washing the dishes.

Dream goes back to cleaning off the island, content with how the day ended.


~Umm- So- Umm- you're  welcome my lovelies. Say thank you. You don't have to I just wanted to do something special for my little baby's b-day and this just so happens to go along with where I want to go so... There you have it.

     <Lil bonus funny ting tang...

Literally just Dream if he were to go into battle with Techno in the story.

"Dream?!" The person they're fighting yells in shock.
"Yes! I don't know who you are, but it is me!"

     <End of lil bonus funny ting tang...

Idk why I found that so funny... maybe because I came up with it in the middle of the night while I was laying in bed... the world may never know... anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter because I sure did. Also does anyone else else get a butterfly type feeling in your stomach when the two people in the fan fic kiss? Or is it just me? :)

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