Festival Endings and a Meeting's Starts

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~I was reading a thing for English not too long ago (summer school, it's different from the other one, it's online) about the Brother's Grimm. It said something about the university of Marburg and I thought it said Manburg and I almost flipped the table... ANYWAYS- TW->a sort of panic attack.


People were starting to gather at the center of the festival grounds where they had been at the beginning of the festival. Techno, Dream, and Wilbur had stayed near the center of the festival, away from everyone else, none of them really wanting to socialize right now.

The fireworks were due to start any minute now, at least according to the announcement that was sent out over the speakers a few minutes ago.

"Settle down, settle down." Tubbo says from his place on stage. 

"Everyone is literally settled." Tommy yells from within the crowd of people.

Tubbo glares at him for a second before going back to what he was doing previously. "Okay... Umm... Oh yeah- Thank you all for attending this festival. And those who left early-"

"Party poopers!" Tommy yells. "Ow!" He yelps, presumably being hit by Phil or some other adult near him.

"As. I. Was. Saying..." Tubbo says, exaggerating his words with pauses. "Enjoy the firework show. Thank you again, for attending."

As Tubbo steps off stage, there's a silence that falls, like a huge blanket, over the crowd. The silence lasts for another minute as they wait. There's the sound of fire, then a sudden burst of light traveling towards the sky that then erupts, with a loud bang, into a beautiful blue and purple ball.

Everyone watches in awe as the show continues. Techno glances over at the masked man beside him who's covering his ears and curling into himself.

"Oh god." Techno thinks before jumping into action. He gently pulls Dream away from the crowd and through the festival. Once Techno feels they're far enough away from the noise he stops, turning towards Dream and putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Look at me." Techno says, a bit louder than usual given that Dream's ears were still covered. 

Dream shakes him head, bending his knees and squatting down, unintentionally pulling Techno down with him.

"It's okay, you're safe now. I'm here." Techno says, putting his hands on Dream's writs and pulling his hands, only an inch away, from his ears.

Dream looks up at Techno, through his mask. There's another loud bang that causes Dream to duck his head again, covering his ears in the process.

"You're safe. They can't hurt you while I'm here. I'll protect you, no matter what." Techno says, leaning his face closer to Dream's.

Dream looks back up at Techno and let's the other remove his hands from his ears. There's another bang, causing Dream to jump but not cower again, focusing on Techno's softened eyes.

"There you go, see, I've got you. You're safe here." Techno says in a hushed voiced.

Dream's breathing hadn't yet slowed but he was calming down, still focusing on his lover's eyes.

Techno stays there in the same position, holding Dream's wrists and letting Dream calm down. He only looks away when Philza and Wilbur walk up to them.

"What's going on?" Phil asks.

"None of your business." Techno snaps at the eldest of the four.

"Hey, I'm just checking." Phil says, raising his hands above his head.

"Are they over?" Dream asks in a small voice.

"Yes." Wilbur says with that same smile on his face.

"It's okay now." Techno says, letting go of Dream's wrists.

Dream sits down fully, letting out a sigh of relief. "I felt my brain going fuzzy again but it stopped getting worse when I covered my ears and shut my eyes." He says, running his hands through his hair a few times.

"Weird." Techno says quietly.

"Yeah..." Dream says.

"Should we go to the castle now?" Phil asks.

"Yes." Techno says, standing up and offering his hand to Dream, who takes it and pulls himself up.

"We're going to the castle?" Wilbur asks.

"Not you." Techno says in a less than kind tone. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude." He says.

"No, it's fine." Wilbur says. "I understand."

"Okay, lets go." Techno says. "See you later, Wilbur." He adds, trying to sound nice, but failing.

"See ya." Wilbur says, waving and walking off, further into the festival grounds.


"Hello. Welcome. We can go to the library, I have all the books, that we need, pulled out." Eret says as the three enter the castle. Puffy follows as they walk towards the library, she waits outside the library doors as they walk to a round table in the middle of the room.

"Here." Eret says, sliding a particularly old looking book towards the three men.

"Is this the book with the writing you were talking about?" Techno asks, flipping through the pages, scanning over the words faster than either Dream or Phil were capable of.

"Yes, and this... Is a book about different supernatural beings slash happenings in history. Also when I said 'a few years ago' I meant like a century or more ago..." Eret says, rubbing the back of their neck and looking off to the side.

"Mmm..." Dream hums, starting to look through the other book. "I have no idea what we're talking about." He says.

"Oh yeah... Kinda forgot to catch you up on what we talked about earlier..." Techno says, laughing awkwardly.

The three of them start to catch Dream up on what they learned earlier in the day.


~I personally hate loud noises and bright lights. Loud noises cause me to go into fight or flight mode/ cause my tics to start acting up. Bright lights give me headaches, even worse than usual. (Flashing lights don't bother me, it's the brightness that bothers me, it depends how bright the lights are.) My ears are sensitive. I have sensory issues. I'm fine. 4th of July (I am American) is just hell for me... Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I didn't plan on updating this today but yeah. THERE ARE SO MANY FUCKING FIREWORKS GOING OFF RIGHT NOW AND I AM HOME ALONE AND THIS IS NOT HEALTHY! :)

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