Bad Dreams and more Muffins

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~So I wrote most of this while I was in bed because I kept getting ideas that I didn't want to forget so I'm typing it again on my computer because I wrote it on my phones' notes...


"Dream?!" Techno calls out into the woods. Dream had been gone for several hours now. He took his mask with him.

Techno's been searching since the sun had started to set. He held a torch in his hand as he walked, the forest getting thicker as he went.

"Dream! Please! If you can hear me-" Techno started to yell before he heard some twigs break to his right. His head snapped in the direction as the grip on his ax tightened. It turned out to just be a fox.

"Dream?!" Techno yelled again. He had already searched the woods to the North of his cabin and was now searching the woods to the South. He had found Dream in the North woods but it was very possible that Dream ran this way as well. There were footprints in the snow going both ways from when they went hunting earlier that day.

"Dream?!" Techno was getting more and more worried as he searched.

There was the quietest sound of sniffling that someone, without the ears of an animal hybrid, would probably not be able to hear. Technoblade turned around and scanned the area. It wasn't until he caught the glint of light reflecting off of something white that he saw Dream. He was shivering slightly due to the cold that the night brought.

Techno walked over to the tree and stuck the torch in the ground. He climbed up the tree and took a good look at Dream; he was asleep, although seemingly having a bad dream, given the way his body slightly shook and the way he sniffled under the mask. 

Technoblade carefully took Dream in his arms and cautiously climbed back down the tree. He carried Dream all the way back to his cabin and laid him on the bed. Leaving the mask on him, he pulled the blankets over the sleeping man who had seemed to calm down more when Techno had him in his arms.

Techno decided to try and get some sleep that night, opting to try out the couch. It wasn't much good, he only got an hour of sleep before waking up to the sound of Dream screaming.


Technoblade ran into the bedroom to find Dream pushing his pillows off of the bed and screaming words that Techno couldn't make out.

He rushed over and grabbed hold of Dream's shoulders to try and still him but was immediately pushed away.

"Dream! Dream- Wake up, Dream! It's just a dream! Nothing's going to hurt you! Wake up!" Techno yells, causing Dream to do what he asked.

Dream immediately scoots away from Techno, hugging his knees to his chest and putting his head on his knees.

"Hey... It's okay now... It was just a dream." Techno says in a reassuring voice.

Dream shakes his head in disagreement.

"It doesn't feel like it's okay right now but it will be... eventually." Techno says, to which Dream looks up at him from where he's sat on the other side of the bed.

Techno can't see Dream's face but he knows it's something like when they were in the kitchen that very first day. (which was also yesterday in book time what?)

Technoblade nods, confirming what he said.

Dream cautiously unwraps his arms from around his legs and reaches out to Techno who just stands there awkwardly, not knowing what Dream is requesting. He does the little grabby hands that kids do when they want up.

Techno slowly crawls onto the bed and Dream meets him halfway. Dream is sitting on his hip with his legs staggered on top of each other while Techno is on his knees. Dream's arms are wrapped around Techno's stomach given the way he's laying. Techno's arms are around Dream's shoulders, although awkwardly given how low Dream's shoulders are.

They sat there for a while until Dream falls asleep again. Techno carefully repositions himself and Dream so that they're laying down; Dream cuddled up to Techno's side and Techno's arm around Dream. He's able to fall asleep easier like this; he doesn't know why though.


Technoblade wakes up before Dream does. He wiggles his way out of Dream's hold, making sure to not wake him up. He then goes over to the closet and grabs a white t-shirt and some brown pants.

He then leaves the bedroom and goes to take a shower. After he finishes drying his hair he puts it into two braids before leaving the bathroom and throwing his clothes in the laundry basket in the bedroom where Dream is still fast asleep.

Techno heads to the kitchen next to whip up another batch of potato muffins.

As he takes them out of the oven he hears the sound of Dream sleepily dragging his feet into the kitchen.

"Morning." Techno says, to which he gets no response. He doesn't comment on it, not wanting to make Dream uncomfortable.

"Aww... Techno cares about Dream. Yeah, we been knew. Techno still wants to fuck him. We should tell him how we feel. The Blood God would never tell his feelings to anyone. That's true. How do we convince him to tell him? How would we even get Techno to believe that he has feelings? Good point."

As the voices continued their conversation Techno set a fresh muffin in front of where Dream sat at the island.

Dream looks up at Techno in a way of saying thanks before moving his mask slightly to the side, allowing him enough room to eat.

It's a comfortable silence that they eat in.


"Do you want to try and remember more today or just take it easy and do something else?" Techno asks while they both sit on the island, a good distance apart.

Dream shrugs his shoulders before saying, "I guess we can..."

"We don't have to if you're not comfortable." Techno says.

"No. I want to." Dream says, jumping off the counter and walking over to the storage room.

"Oh, right now? Okay..." Techno says, following after Dream.


~Yeah I wrote all of that before falling asleep last night... anyways... I might be back tomorrow but like... no promises. Will be back Monday for sure because I want to forget about the sad state that my grades are in. I definitely don't have a 0% in english... It's not that I'm bad at english it's frickin online school. anyways... hope you enjoyed this. :)

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