More Discussions and Helping out an Enderman

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~someone who reads this story commented on another Dreamnoblade story mentioning this story and it made me so happy it was on the story (that I am actually reading and enjoy) called "Lies {Dreamnoblade}" by @justsomeloser69


"Why did he leave behind burns?" Techno asks, voice soft as he tends to the burns left behind from where Dark had started to take over Dream's skin.

Dream shrugs. They had returned to the cabin shortly after the incident and they were all in the kitchen; Toua sitting at the island, Dream sitting on the island, and Techno standing in front of Dream.

"Because they can't go inside the circle." Toua says, scratching behind her ear that had just twitched. (An ode to the sensation I still have that is like bugs crawling all over my skin... yeah it's still there.)

"Then why did he jump in?" Dream asks, turning to look at the cat hybrid, making Techno jump slightly before using a hand on Dream's chin to make him look back towards him.

"Sounded like he saw someone he knew." Toua says, looking around Dream slightly to meet Techno's eyes.

Dream looks away from Techno's direction, suddenly finding the window interesting.

"Dark did always seem to take a liking to you." Dream says, sounding almost guilty.

"I can't imagine why." Techno says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "It's not like we have a lot of things in common." He adds in his usual monotone voice.

"You don't." Dream says. "You're nothing like him."

Techno only looks at Dream, face nearly unreadable as he continues tending to the burns.

"You're not, Techno. You're not like him." Dream says, trying desperately to get his point across.

Techno still doesn't say anything, just continues doing what he's doing, expression still never changing.

"Techno-" Dream starts again, also starting to extend his hand towards Techno's cheek.

"Stop..." Techno says, voice as monotone as ever, wrist blocking Dream's hand from going any further. "I'm not gonna continue to fight you on this subject."

"But-" Dream starts but stops when Techno gives him a pointed look. (Toua literally just sitting there watching like 🧍)

Toua stands up and walks over to the sink where she grabs a clean cloth and replaces the slightly bloody one that was in Techno's hand with the clean one before leaving the kitchen.

Silence falls over the house, slightly uncomfortable, and definitely not comfortable in any manner as Dream chews his bottom (😏) lip anxiously and Techno continues to clean and bandage the burns on his face and neck.

After Techno finishes cleaning the two cloths and puts away the unused supplies he walks over to Dream and offers his hand which the unmasked man takes, jumping off the counter and allowing himself to be guided into their shared bedroom where he sits on the edge of the bed as the piglin hybrid kneels in front of him.

There's silence for a few moments before Dream breaks it, running a gentle hand through Techno's pink hair.

"He does it for sport. You do it because they tell you to." Dream says softly, voice barely audible in the quiet house.

Techno nods, leaning both his elbows on Dream's knees and leaning his forehead on his hands that were now linked between said knees. (Head far enough away from Dream's parts to not be sus)

"You've always known this." Dream whispers, continuing to 'pet' Techno's hair.

Techno nods again before drifting off to sleep, somehow staying upright.

Dream smiles softly before carefully maneuvering himself and Techno into the bed, cuddling up to the sleeping hybrid's side, drifting off to sleep soon after.


"The Tubbster is out of the infirmary! What will he do first?!" Tommy yells, bounding along beside the president who had recently been released from the infirmary.

"I'm not gonna throw a festival. That's for sure." Tubbo says with a slight chuckle afterwards. (#finallyhavingcommonsense)

"Aww... but they've always been so fun in the past." Tommy says sarcastically.

"Right." Tubbo says as they approach the clothing shop Ranboo had kindly asked them to clean out.

"Why do we have to do Ranboo's job?" Tommy complains as Tubbo opens the door and turns on the lights.

"Because he can't." Tubbo says before tripping on a leg of a clothing rack.


"Can we take a break?" Tommy complains, dramatically falling back onto a pile of clothes.

"It's not even been half an hour. I should be the one complaining; I still have three broken ribs." Tubbo says.

"But you're 'Buffbo'. You can handle it. I am merely a minor. This is child labor." Tommy says.

"Sure it is..." The president says, rolling his eyes. "You're willingly doing this- And I'm younger than you so get up and keep working." Tubbo says, throwing a small but still heavy piece of a each at Tommy.

"Ow." Tommy says, rubbing the part of his arm the piece had hit before getting up and sulking over to another rack that he starts taking clothes off of and throwing them into the pile.


"Now can we take a break?" Tommy asks as Philza walks into the mostly cleared out store, the only things in there being the large pile of clothes, the piles of taken apart clothing racks, and the few racks still standing with clothes still on them.

"Once you finish those you two can take a break and then get to sorting these clothes." Phil says, walking over to the pile of clothes and picking up a shirt before laying it back on the pile. "I have lunch ready back at the house."

"Good. Because I'm starving." Tommy says, starting to walk towards the front door, his intention being to leave right now and eat.

"Not until you finish those and if you go right now you'll have to do the rest on your own." Phil says.

Tommy groans before going back over to where Tubbo stood. "I'm gonna go into my rebellious teenager arc if you're not careful Philza Minecraft." (Again with the breaking of the fourth wall... I swear...)


~the 'him' they're talking about is Dark and the 'thing' they're talking about that Dark does for sport and Techno does because the voices tell him to is killing. Just so you weren't too confused. And Dream isn't usually burned where Dark takes over. Anyways... I wanted to show you guys a drawing I did of Lando Norris that I'm proud of but the picture wouldn't work... sad... anyways... hope you enjoyed. It went in a direction I wasn't expecting but that's not to say it's a bad direction, also progress on the clothing shop!!! :)

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