"Uh... America... I am going to sleep with some of you."

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~Don't question the numbers in the comments it's fine.


"I didn't even get to use the TNT." Dream complains as they walk their new captives to a temporary holding area.

The people of L'Manburg had been released back into the wild to do as they liked and they were taking the former kings of the DreamSMP and their accomplices to the cells they had built for the citizens of L'Manburg.

They were silent as Dream and Techno talked to each other. They couldn't get away without hurting themselves and they couldn't fight them due to the fact that their hands were tied.

"We were too good. I really thought they'd've been more prepared." Techno says.

"We would have if you had done what the letter said." Sapnap says through his teeth.

"Did you really expect us to follow your directions?" Techno asks, looking Sapnap dead in the eyes.

Sapnap goes quiet, thinking of a response.

"Mhm... yeah." Techno says, turning back around and continuing to walk.

"I wanted to use the TNT though." Dream pouts.

"It also would've destroyed L'Manburg, and we were trying to save it." Techno says.

"That doesn't mean I didn't want to do it." Dream says, shrugging.

"Just think of the repairs we'd have to do if we did." Techno says.

"Who said I'd do anything to help in the clean up?" Dream asks.

"Me. I'm not doing it all myself." Techno says.

"You have the others to help you." Dream says.

"I have a whiney sixteen year-old, a twelve year-old that I want to murder, and Phil, who I also want to murder." Techno says.

"What about Eret and Ghostbur?" Dream asks.

"Eret has to get back to his royal duties and Ghostbur can't pick anything up." Techno says, putting the last person in the last cell and locking the door.

"Right..." Dream says. "Did you see how I dove into the water to get George and Ponk?" He asks in an excited tone as they walk back to the others.

"Is that why your clothes... sorry... my clothes, are so wet?" Techno asks.

"Yeah." Dream says. "What are you gonna do about it?" 

"I'll tell what I'm gonna do." Techno says, grabbing Dream's waist and pulling him closer.

"Yeah? Then tell me." Dream says in a low voice.

"How about I just show you." Techno says, moving Dream's mask aside and kissing his lips once before moving to Dream's neck.

"I don't know if we should do this out in the open, Techno." Dream says, holding back moans as Techno nips and sucks at his neck.

"Really now?" Techno asks, pulling Dream's shirt up and kissing along his chest and stomach.

"Mmm..." Dream moans slightly, holding the shirt up, but not taking it off. "Yeah... It seems risky."

"Since when have you not liked a little risk?" Techno asks, keeping his ears attentive enough to hear footsteps coming towards them.

"What do you hear?" Dream asks, seeing the slight twitch of Techno's ears out of the corner of his slightly shut eyes.

"Footsteps. They're not too close." Techno says, continuing to kiss across Dream's torso.

"How about- mmh- we pick this back up later?" Dream asks, starting to be able to hear the footsteps himself.

"Only if you promise." Techno says, biting down harshly on Dream's skin just above the top of the pants he was wearing.

"Mmh- I promise." Dream says slyly, taking Techno's chin in his hand and kissing him on the lips just as the people, whose footsteps could be heard, turned the corner.

"Ah! Techno's a bottom!" Tommy yells, seeing Techno be slightly crouched with Dream's hand on his chin. "Techno's a bottom!"

"Shut up or I will add you to my 'to kill' list." Techno says, straightening his legs and back and standing up.

"Shield your eye's Tubbo!" Tommy says, putting his hand, that wasn't covering his own eyes, over the president's eyes. 

"Why?" Tubbo asks, pushing Tommy's hand away from his face.

"You don't wanna know that things I've seen." Tommy says, uncovering his eyes.

Techno and Dream only stood their watching the two's interaction. 

"Umm..." Tubbo says before clearing his throat. "I wanted to ask- I wanted to say thank you for helping out our country even after... umm... yeah... I also wanted to ask if you two wanted to stay here for a while and umm... help us rebuild what was blown up?"

Techno looks at Dream who seems to be contemplating something.

"You two can stay for as long as you want if that... helps..." Tubbo says nervously.

"We can stay for a bit. I don't see why not." Dream says, looking at Techno after the last bit.

"Yeah... I need to move my stuff back into my old house but I can stay here for maybe a day before we have to go back." Techno says.

"But you can be back after you're done moving your stuff right?" Tommy asks.

"I mean... Yeah..." Techno says.

"Then we'll help you move your stuff back." Tubbo says. "We can help so it's faster."

"Umm..." Techno says, looking at Dream who doesn't say anything. "Yeah... Sure..." He says awkwardly.

"Okay. I'll round up a few-"

"Don't bring any of that butcher army's members other than yourself." Techno says in a dark and snappy tone.

"O-okay..." Tubbo says, eyes wide in shock and fear.

Techno nods, causing Tubbo to hurry off, tripping over his own feet in the process. Tommy stands there awkwardly, his hands behind his back, as they wait for Tubbo to return.


"How far in this walk?" Jack Manifold asks.

"I know right. It has no right bein' this far." Tommy says.

Tubbo had managed to only recruit Jack for the long journey. Phil had to stay with Ranboo who Tubbo was instructed to not bring. Karl was busy with Quackity who he was also instructed not to bring. Fundy was out of his range of options. Puffy was no where to be found, and everyone else was either in jail or busy with something somewhere else.

"It's about a twenty-four hour walk without breaks." Techno says.

"Twenty-four hours?!" Jack asks.

"Yep." Techno says.

"You didn't tell me this was in the plans, Tubbo." Jack says.

"You should've read the fine print of following the president on a quest to move Techno's stuff back to his old house. It specifically said: you may have to go on a journey that takes twenty-four hours with no breaks." Tubbo says.

"And seein' as we aren't carrying anything heavy, we will not be taking any breaks." Techno says.


~That's the first arc out of the way. ON TO THE NEXT! I kinda blanked on who all is a part of the DreamSMP... umm... my bad... anyways... hope you enjoyed. I don't feel like proofreading this chapter :)

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