Nether and Resources

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~Ahaha. :D I keep trying to make plans with all three of my friends but they keep falling apart last minute. :D I'm fine. :D


"Yeah. This looks easy enough. It should be no problem." Eret says, scanning over the counter-curse.

"So you can do this?" Techno asks.

"Yes. If this is what happened to Dream then there's no doubt in my mind that this will work."

"If it's what happened?" Techno asks.

"I mean... This is a high possibility of what happened..." Eret says.

"What other methods are there to have someone lose their memory to this extent?"

"Nothing I know of. I was just saying..." Eret says, nervously.

"So there's a high chance it will work?" Dream asks from where he sat on the table both Eret and Techno were leaning over.

"Yes." Eret says.

"Then let's do it. Is there any prep, or any specific things we have to do?" Techno asks, unsure of what dark magic entails.

"We do need a few things. It'll take me about a day to do the prep for this. It'll be faster if I have help though." Eret says, looking over at Dream who's swinging his legs and not really paying attention anymore.

"Huh?" Dream asks, noticing that Eret and Techno are looking at him.

"Will you be able to help with me with this?" Eret asks.

"Yes!" Dream says excitedly.

"Then let's go. We need to gather a few resources." 

"I have some resources if you'd like to look through them." Techno says.

"We need fresh resources, but thank you none the less." Eret says, leading Dream out of the front door and over to the woods.

"Can I come with you two?!" Ghostbur calls after them.

"Yeah!" Eret yells back.

"Yay!" Ghostbur says before floating over and joining them.

"Where are they going?" Ranboo asks.

"To gather resources." Techno says in an uninterested voice.

"Oh... Do you need help with anything?" Ranboo asks, turning to face the piglin hybrid.

"You can build more of the house while I go to the nether." Techno says, pointing towards the pile of wood by the half finished add-ons that Techno had been working on previously.

"Okay..." Ranboo says.

"The foundation in there already, you just have to fill in the gaps and make it look somewhat nice." Techno says, resting his ax on his shoulder.

"Okay." Ranboo says, slightly frightened by the tall man with the ax.

"You're a good kid, Ranboo." Techno says somewhat awkwardly.

"Thank you." Ranboo says before walking off towards the part of the house he was to work on.

Techno then walks off to the nether portal he had made the previous day. He was on his way to get more wither skulls. He had way more than he probably needed but you never knew.

Once he had gotten a good amount of wither skulls, he went and got more netherrack, which was not a hard feat.

He returned to the overworld and headed to his new mine in search for TNT supplies. He had a plan and new that Dream would be able to help him once he had his memory back.


"Ooo... Look." Ghostbur says, seeing a patch of several different kinds of flowers.

"Do you know if Techno has a nether portal?" Eret asks, following Dream over to where Ghostbur is playing in the flowers.

"Yeah. He made one yesterday. It's a very warm place. It's scary as well..." Dream says, having had gone into the nether for the first time that he can remember.

   "You want to go into the Nether?" Techno asks the man who was looking over his shoulder curiously.
   "Yes." Dream says excitedly.
   "Are you sure?" Techno asks.
   "Yes." Dream says, somewhat as a question.
   Techno raises an eyebrow at the manner of response.
   "Yes." Dream says, more sure in his response this time.
   "After you." Techno says, gesturing for Dream to go first.
   Dream steps through the portal hesitantly. He's immediately met with a huge drop and at the bottom is a pit of lava.
   "Ah-" Dream yelps.
   "It's okay... Just stay close." Techno says to which Dream grabs onto his arm tightly. "Not that close. I still need to be able to build us a bridge." Techno says.
   "Oh-" Dream says, letting go of Techno's arm but still staying close.

"We can go through there and get some things that we need when we get back." Eret says.

"Okay." Dream says.

"Let's get the rest of this stuff and- do you think Ranboo would be willing to lend some of his blood for this?" Eret asks, whispering the last part.

"He should be... Wait- why do we need blood?" Dream asks.

"You need blood from some sort of living being for most dark magic processes. This one calls for the blood of a youngling. A youngling being any hybrid below the age of fifteen which we don't have much of anymore. Being the reason for the die out of Dark Magic." Eret says.

"I forgot about that..." Dream says, more to himself than to anyone else.

"Does that mean, that if you need a younglings blood for the counter-curse, that whoever did this to Dream needed the same blood for the initial curse?" Ghostbur asks.

Eret's eyes go wide as he turns back a few pages to look at the pages on the initial curse. "Y-yeah..." He says, blinking a few times. "But-Ranboo is the only youngling in these lands..."

"Does that mean that Ranboo is a part of what happened?" Dream asks.

"Not necessarily. Whoever did this could've very well taken Ranboo's blood without Ranboo's consent." Eret says. "And Ranboo has very bad memory so he might not remember it if you ask him about it." He adds.

Dream chews on his lip nervously as they continue to gather supplies.


"Thank you, Ranboo." Techno says, walking back to the house with the resources he had gathered.

"I don't know if I did a good job or not..." Ranboo says. "I never took a step back to look at it."

"It looks fine. You did a good job." Techno says, trying to sound like he's sincere, because he is, but not getting it across as well as he'd like to.

"Thank you. Again..." Ranboo says, not used to this much praise.


~Okay so maybe jUsT MAYBE- Technoisthinkingaboutifhewantschildren???????? ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!! What is it about me and people with the first name Garret or some form of Garret such as Garrison or something like that. It's just like- The name is so hot to me like what the fuck?

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