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~I actually ate at school while being alone. (I was alone because my one friend that I actually eat with {the one that doesn't have another group group of friends} has COVID. I'm fine though, it's because of her grandpa who was hanging out with a positive person last night)


"Hey, Toua..." Dream says, poking his head into the new bedroom, knocking on the open door's frame a few times.

"Hmm?" Toua hums, turning her head and body to look at the older. She was sitting crisscrossed on the middle of the rug, looking up at the stars that resided above her, surely breaking her neck in the process.

"Can I, umm... talk to you about- no. Can I ask you about something?" Dream asks, fully standing the the doorway now. "Uh- Techno told me that I should ask you about this because you told him something similar." He adds, seeing the confused face of the youngling.

"Sure." Toua says, scooting to the edge of the rug, wordlessly telling the older that he should sit down.

Dream does, he walks over and sits on the rug, setting his mask beside his, now, crisscrossed legs.

"Umm... uh... Techno said that you described something similar to the things I see..." Dream says, not quite knowing how to go about this.

"Mhm..." Toua hums in response, silently asking him to elaborate.

"Okay... umm there are these things... that I see- that like... no one else can see? I don't know. Whenever I've pointed them out, everyone says there's nothing there." Dream says.

Toua does say anything despite already knowing what the man is talking about from the way he words it.

"Umm... they- they're like... creatures..." Dream says, looking very uncomfortable.

"Coming from the shadows?" Toua asks, voice calm and mostly emotionless.

"Yeah. Do you see them too?" Dream asks.

"I've personally never seen them, but I know what they look like and what they do." Toua says. "We shouldn't talk about them so out in the open like this. If we're gonna talk about them, we should go to a safer place than this."

"What do you mean?" Dream asks, as Toua stands from the floor. It's now that Dream realizes that Toua is wearing one of Techno's shirts that fell over a seemingly new pair of sweatpants that fit her, where did those come from?

"They don't like being talked about." Toua says, walking over to the door. "Come on. It's no longer safe to talk about them in here. At least not for a few hours." She adds, beckoning the older to come with her with the motion of her hand. "There's a place I like to go when thinking or... talking... to or about them."

"Okay..." Dream says, following the young hybrid out into the cold night air, being confused and impressed that the younger doesn't even shiver at the sudden cold while his teeth start to chatter.

"Here." Toua says as they approach a round-ish clearing in the South woods. The ground was dug out a bit so that there was a soft slope down to the middle where the ground was leveled and there were red, black, and white lines creating some kind of symbol that didn't look like anything he'd ever seen before.

In the direct middle was a small cauldron of water with a mechanism that allowed an unlit collage of candles to sit above the water.

"When'd you make this?" Dream asks, hesitantly following the younger down into the pit.

"A few days ago." Toua says plainly.

"Oh..." Dream says.

"When did you start seeing these creatures?" Toua asks, going over to a chest, that Dream hadn't even realized was there until now, and taking a tattered looking book out. It's a simple red composition notebook, one with the cell looking design on the front, but something about it set something off in Dream's head, causing a feeling of peace to fall over him.

Dream began to take several steps towards the young hybrid, wanting to be closer to the notebook.

"Stop." Toua says, putting a hand out and stopping Dream in his tracks when the hand hits his chest. "Stay over there." She says, pointing to the other side of the pit.

"I-" Dream starts.

"Go." Toua says.

Dream does as told and walks over to the other side, forgetting about the question until now. "Oh- umm... I guess it first happened when I was over at the castle after I got my memory back." He says.

"And you got it back from using dark magic?" Toua asks, flipping through pages of the book.

"Yes." Dream says, wanting ever so much to see what was in such a book.

"Here. They are what your seeing." Toua says, walking over and handing Dream the book, the language, if it was even a real language, looked like a bunch of meaningless symbols until he looked over at the margins and saw the translation.

"Sighjebol Cahzickmigh?" Dream asks, looking up at Toua.

"That's they're name in their language, the shadow language, and we call them by that name navies those who call them by any other name are taken." Toua says.

"Taken?" Dream asks.

"Page twenty-six." Toua says.

Dream flips to the page and at the top it's translated into a word that when read aloud sounds like gibberish. "Weck... off... eep?" Dream asks, reading the translation.

"Taker." Toua says.

"Mmm..." Dream says, not being able to read the words (?) in front of him any further.

"There's a translation to English in the front." Toua says. "You can come out here and look at the book whenever. Don't bring anyone new, and don't take the book outside of this pit." She adds in a dark voice, full of hisses, unintentional or not, they were hisses.

Dream nods.

"And try not to talk about them too often." Toua says in a kinder tone.

"What about Techno?" Dream asks. "Shouldn't he know?"

"Eventually, they shall all know, but not now. One at a time. Maybe once you know more." Toua says, sounding very cryptic.

"Oh..." Dream says, slightly caught off hairs by the sudden distance of her voice even though she was standing the the same spot as before. "What does that mean?"

"It's not important right now." Toua says. "There's not much I can do to help you currently, not until you learn more at least. This is all I can offer to get rid of the sightings."

Dream nods without saying anything as they make their way back to the cabin where Techno was about to go on a frantic search for them.


~I wrote part of this in school, at lunch, on my phone, in the library. It's like a fucking clue solve thing like the board game... anyways... I haven't smiled like this for this long without like watching a video or being with someone in like, ever. My crush, the one I told y'all about a while ago, smiled at me after school. Then they commented (for the first time ever) on my Instagram post saying "I really like the first one" to my wig appreciation post and then liked my reply to their comment where I said "I'm in love with it" it doesn't seem like that much but I'm on cloud nine. I'm ecstatic. And I have a math test tomorrow (I love math btw) like after all the bad things this month, some good things finally happen on the last day of the month. Damn... anyways... hope you enjoyed :)

Remember ~Dreamnoblade~ pt1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora