Trouble in Paradise

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~I start school tomorrow. Excited for that but also less excited than before. Also I figured out today that my tics get worse when I'm depressed and aren't as bad when I'm happy. Ahaha. I had a few tics that I've never had before today and one of them was quite painful because it was saying something over and over and it wasn't letting me breathe properly. It was "I get that you're a bitch." But I kept getting stuck at the "I get-" part then adding either "nnnn" or "aaaa" to it and repeating that over and over.


"Hey, there are people coming towards the cabin." Toua says, walking into the living room after she had come down from the roof.

"Oh... who?" Dream asks.

"Tommy and another person." Toua says, tail wrapping around her left wrist, and then dropping back down.

"Hmm..." Dream hums, standing from the couch and walking over to the kitchen window to see Tommy and Wilbur walking around to the front of the house.

"Who is it?" Techno asks, also standing.

"Wilbur." Dream says.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Techno asks, walking over to the front door and opening it, seeing an uncomfortable looking Tommy and Wilbur with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Who?" Toua asks.

"Wilbur is Techno's older brother. He's the one I brought back to life." Dream says, staying in the archway with Toua, who's ears were angled back slightly.

"Hello, Techno." Wilbur greets, waving from where he was walking on the ground next to the porch.

"What're you two doing here?" Techno asks, his free hand, that wasn't holding the door, drifting closer to the display of weapons on the wall.

"I'm going back on the roof." Toua says, ears almost fully back at this point.

Dream nods as she walks back over to the window and climbs back onto the roof.

"Can't brothers visits each other?" Wilbur asks in an unsettling manner as he reaches the door.

Techno's eyes narrow as Dream pulls his smiley face mask on.

"Can we come in?" Wilbur asks, looking between his brother and the man who stood further into the house.

Techno doesn't say anything, just steps to the side and let's them walk in.


"Can we come in?" The new person asks before the door in closed.

Toua looks around the snowy land and sees a small bit of fluff near the woods the others had come from. She blinks a few times, adjusting her eyes to the ever darkening night.

She watches as a familiar light gray coat of fur passes behind each tree until the person the fur belongs to looks up at her.

Toua's ears and tail react negatively at the sight of the young wolf hybrid. The person she had stayed with for several years. The person who was only a few months older than her. The person she used to be friends with.

The other youngling stares at her, his expression blank.


"What do you mean 'Karl wasn't doing good with his job'?!" Techno practically yells, having just heard Wilbur's excuse for now working at the prison.

"He was slacking so I thought I'd help him." Wilbur says, keeping his composure and shrugging.

"We were just  there not too long ago and it didn't seem like he was having a hard time at all." Techno says, gesturing between him and Dream, who had been still for a bit too long.

"Are you okay, Dream?" Tommy asks under the sound of the two arguing brothers.

Dream doesn't say anything for a bit before pointing shakily at the fireplace and saying, "Do you see that?" In a whispered voice.

"See what?" Tommy asks, looking at where Dream had pointed.

"That- that thing... it's getting closer." Dream says.

"There's nothing there." Tommy says, walking closer to where Dream was still pointing.

"It's right next to you." Dream says, voice shaking.

"There's nothing." Tommy says, waving his hand next to him. He jumps slightly when Dream walks quickly to where he was.

"But it was right there. It- it disappeared when you touched it." Dream says, looking up into the chimney.

"There wasn't anything there, Dream." Tommy says as the other two finally notice that something else was happening.


"Well if it isn't Toua." The wolf hybrid says, walking a circle around the feline hybrid.

She had jumped off of the roof and had walked over to where the familiar face sat in the bushes.

"You've gotten weak, I see." He says, grabbing her bandages hand before dropping it back to where it was before.

"Why are you here, Davin?" Toua asks through her teeth.

"I'm here because good old tall and lanky told me I could come, as long as I stayed out of sight." The hybrid now known as Davin says, still walking in a circle around Toua.

"Well you sure didn't stay true to your word then, did you?" Toua asks, crossing her arms.

"Shut up!" Davin snaps. "I didn't know you would here. And we all know how observant you are, you feline freak."

Toua doesn't says anything, just glares at him.

"I'm immune to your stares by now, Toua. You can't make me cower like you did when we were younger." Davin says, still walking in a circle around her, something he did with people he didn't really like, either that or when he was excited about something.

"Why are with him?" Toua asks, face twitching.

"Woah. I see your 'tics' haven't gone away either. Why are you at this cabin?" Davin asks.

"Answer my question first." Toua says, her face twitch again.

"Whatever. Maybe it's because these people your staying with can't be trusted." Davin says, getting ever so slightly closer in his circling.

"That's a lot coming from you." Toua says.

"Hey! Fuck you. I don't need your bull shit right now!" Davin yells, causing Toua's ears to twitch and her head to jerk to the side. "Still sensitive to sound, too."

"Fuck you." Toua says before lunging at the other hybrid, tackling him and easily pinning him to the ground. She holds her fist up, about to punch him before he speaks.

"If you punch me then they'll see you as a target, they'll know you know about me and they'll come for you." Davin says, making Toua stop and drop her fist. "That's what I thought."

Toua gets up before starting to walk back to the cabin.

"Remember! You can't trust anyone! Who would want to be around you anyways?! You're a freakish psychopath!" Davin yells at her until she climbs back through the window.


~we now know who the wolf hybrid is. He's the guy who lived down the street from me and bullied me/manipulated me for five whole years. Yay! And I decided to use his real name so if you know someone with that name it might be him. Fuck you Davin. And yes. He cussed at me when we were ten years old. Anyways. Hope you enjoyed :)

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