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• 2 weeks later •

(book 2)

"The school is opening in an hour, girls" Cordelia says, gliding in and interrupting your breakfast.

"Awesome." You mumble through your bagel and give her a thumbs up.

Cordelia gives you an eye smile before striding out of the room to tell the others about how she had made a television commercial/advert about the coven, inviting witches who live in fear to come out of the shadows and join us. Today was the day we let the girls in. You had a big role in welcoming them since you were the 100th daughter.

After you became the omnipotent one, Cordelia and you came to an agreement of her running the coven because you couldn't be bothered with it. In return she gave you a seat in the council along with Zoe.

You liked to think yourself like Yoda: clearly the most powerful being and yet not a main character.

You throw your plate in the sink and walk out into the hallway where you pass Maddison who was combing her hair.

"Why are you brushing your hair now?" You ask, tilting your head slightly and smiled lightly just like your ancestor: Scàthach.

"There is always time for beauty." Maddison says with a traditional Maddison-Montgomery-grin that meant 'haha I am always right'.

You just sigh as you walk to the front door and peered through the small window beside it. There must've been at least 30 girls waiting outside and yet there was still 30 minutes until we officially opened.

"Boo!" Zoe taps on your shoulders, appearing out of nowhere. She giggled and peeked through the window with you.

"I thought you were going to give transmutation a rest." You say slightly disappointed, trying to keep the 'mom/mum' tone from your voice, it was quite hard since you didn't want to see her impaled again.

She took her eyes away from the window and rolled her eyes before teleporting back to wherever she was before.

You were going to teleport behind her to scare her back but then you saw Misty who was biting her nails and tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.

"Hey," You say calmly, walking up to her, "Are you alright?"

Misty looked up at you. It was nice having her around because it meant that you could have your iPod back when Misty wasn't using it. Truthfully, you regretted giving it to her but that didn't matter that much now.

"Yeah- Yeah, fine" She says, looking back to the floor. Her blonde hair curlier than usual today.

You know there is no point in asking anymore since she'd probably only say that she's 'fine' no matter how nicely you asked.

"Hey girls!" Cordelia says, clasping her hands and walking to the door, "Ready to let them in?"

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