The brave-scale

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"H-Holy shit. Crap. The fuck?" You say as if you were trying to get all the swear words out of you before you died.

"Zoeeee!" Nan's voice echoed throughout the house and Zoe came racing up the stairs. She'd seen too. You could tell by the ghostly look on her face.

Zoe opened her mouth to reassure us but couldn't make out the words.

"I think we will be fine, as long as they don't get into the house. We need to alert the others." You decide to be the strong one for the others to rely on, it usually sucked being this person because if you did something wrong, the whole group could fall apart.

You leave the others and work on barricading the windows whilst Nan and Zoe gathered everyone except Maddison, Fiona and Cordelia.

"Where the fuck are they?" You hold the scream from your voice which made your face grow red. Zoe backed away in fear.

"Probably out partying or something" Nan suggests.

The top of the staircase wasn't a great place for the meeting but it'd have to do. Everyone wasn't paying that much attention to where Maddison was though. They were paying attention to the zombies outside.

And a boy who was walking amongst them.

"Luke!" Nan yelled as she rushed down the stairs to try and save him from fate.

"No!" Zoe says running after her. "You can't open a door." Zoe grabs Nan's shoulder and clutches the fabric of her dress.

You sigh in relief when you feel a slight draft on your cheek. You raise your arm and rest it on your cheek. There definitely was a draft.

Your eyes follow the draft and it lead to an open door. The maid must've opened it accidentally, dammit.

"Everyone get upstairs NOW!" You yell which causes Zoe to release her grip on Nan. She sprinted off causing Zoe to yell in anguish.

"Nan, get back here!" You yell.

"I have to save him"

"No you don't!" You shout but it was too late, Nan had slammed the door behind her. She was out there with the zombies.

"We have to do something!" Zoe says urgently.

"We need to shut that door ri-" You begin but you were too late.

A tall elderly man covered in mud and rot walked through the door frame, groaning with every step.

You focus your energy and the man set on fire.

"Wait, y/n! I have an idea" Zoe yells racing past   you and then past the old mans ashes.

She ran into the cold dry air and into the hoard of zombies which left you with the maid.

"We have to do something now, don't we" The maid said in a monotone.

"Yes" You say surely but part of you just wanted to curl up into a ball and wish they all just disappeared.

"What's your name?" You ask the maid, she looked back at you with a surprised expression plastered onto her face. "Sorry I'm just sick of having to call you 'maid" You continue.

The woman just stood there shook.

"Never mind." You say striding towards the back door that Zoe had shut behind her. You were about to open it when you hear the woman's voice.


"Cool" You say as you opened the door and lingered in the door frame. "Lock yourself with Queenie in her room" You order her and she quickly ran up the stairs.

You slammed the door behind you just as you heard the whirring of a chainsaw and Zoe's voice yell.

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