Burn The Witch!

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You all walk out to the quarry. It was positioned in a remote location except for the motorway running above it which was actually perfect since the busy car-goers engines and exhaust would cover the screams of agony coming from the witch.

It seemed that it was a very well planned event since someone had already put up a pole and two men stood by it , ready with gallons of oil.

Myrtle shook off Fiona's firm grip and strode to the stake with pride. It was then that you realised Misty didn't come. You just assumed that she didn't like death. You never would've guessed that she was hiding anything.

"Any last words?" Fiona asks, spitting on the floor in disrespect to Myrtle.

At that point, you were almost certain that Myrtle hadn't done it. Things like this must be easy to fake in the witch world.

"Y/n?" Myrtle says out loud , completely shocking you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah wassup?" You say really fast, it was strange that someone would say your name as a last word.

"Seven wonders.." Myrtle says weakly, "You need to do the seven wonders"

"What are seven wonders?"

"Read a couple of books, I rec-"

"Burn the witch!!!" Fiona says but Cordelia rests her hand on Fiona and gestures for her to leave it alone and let her be.

That was when you realised that she was talking to you in your head.

"Goodbye" You say out loud, you were unsure what she meant by seven wonders. I mean, you knew it was a Stevie Nicks song but that was literally it.

"Study it, please!" Myrtle screams as the men douse her in oil, "Please promise me!"

"There will be no promising killers anything" Fiona says, taking her last puff of smoke before throwing it to Myrtle where she took hers.

The flames lit up, dancing around her, just as majestically as they did when they danced around the school. Jesus, that felt like forever ago.

The only difference about Myrtles scream was that is had more more life inside. She wasn't supposed to die yet. A tear fell down your face, you didn't know her at all and yet you felt sorry for her. It didn't make sense.

Zoe walked up next to you.

"Hey what was that all about?" She whispers.

"I'm not sure." You decided to tell only part of the truth, "She just told me to study"

"Strange" Zoe says walking back over to Queenie, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

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