Purple Woman

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Sometimes, people are faced with situations where people have no idea what to do.

Today, you were one of those people.

The purple woman stood in front of you.

Just by the look on her face, you could tell she was afraid of you.

You could use this to your benefit, or, you could be polite.

"Actually, I am a friend of Micheal Langdon." You say, trying to seem confident.

Ms Venable's face turned from scared to petrified.

It was nice to see that someone was afraid of Micheal as much as you were.

"Yes," You continue, consuming her fear and using it as power, (It was times like this that you wondered whether you were actually as good as the omnipotent one was supposed to be), "I have reason to believe he is here."

You raise your eyebrows expectantly.

The woman's bewildered look quickly vanished and turned to a steely person-of-authority kind of look, "He is here," She took a sharp inhale, "In fact, he is currently in a meeting so if you could wait here for a moment, he will be with you shortly."

You gave Ms Venable a weak smile before falling back into one of the waiting seats.

Now it was your turn to be afraid, you hadn't exactly thought it through.

You were going to see the antichrist.

Now that you had previously declared that you would never join him, he had reason to kill you.

And your soul.

The worst thing was that you'd never had chance to say goodbye to the others.

You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to banish the thoughts from your head.

You probably looked like a disabled cat to Venable but you didn't care.

Minutes felt like hours as you sat there twiddling your hair and itching your neck.

Your thoughts turned from anxious ones to random ones like Why the hell did Micheal have his own business? And other ones like What is the Co-Operative?

You decided it was worth a shot to ask Ms Venable what the company did, she was a receptionist for it so she must know.

Instead of receiving a fake smile and a well rehearsed definition of the business, you were met with a pained icy look.

"Erm," You continue awkwardly, "Did I offend you or something?"

The woman looked down and ignored you.


You avert your eyes and look down as well, this was one of the strangest conversations you'd had with a mortal in a while.

"I don't know." Ms Venable says unsurely.

"Sorry," You say confusedly, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I don't know what the Co-Operative is." She says, her voice gaining strength.

"Oh." You say dully, you looked back at the floor and Venable did likewise.

That was when you heard the voice in your head.


Y/n? Can you hear me?

It sounded like...


Random question: Who is your favourite Sarah Paulson character? Mine is probably Cordelia cuz she's the fucking supreme. 😎

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