Stressed Out

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You woke up in the same darkness as you were in before you completely lost consciousness.

This disorientated you for about half an hour until you realised you were blindfolded and your hands were tried behind your back.

These people had made a feeble attempt to get rid of you.

You slipped off the blindfold telekinetically and shook yourself from the hand restraints.

It appeared you were the same room as you were in before.

All the food had been laid out exactly as it was before. It was almost as if you'd dreamt the rest.

When you saw or heard no ghosts, you wondered if you actually were delusional.

That was until James Patrick March came in.

He held a carving knife in his hand and all you could do is pray that wasn't for you.

You took a couple steps back into the empty room, accidentally bumping into a coffee table.

"Owww fuck" You exclaim, rubbing your foot.

You tried to telekinesis the man backwards but you couldn't. What? What the hell?

"Why the hell aren't my powers working!" You yell, examining your hands for ruins that would prevent you from using telekinesis but there were none.

"I'm a ghost." Mr March sighs, "When will you realise that?"

"I'VE FUCKING REALISED THAT, I JUST DON'T KNOW WHY MY POWERS AREN'T WORKING!" You scream in anguish, you were afraid more than anything that you had lost your powers.

You were nothing without your powers.

You begin to sob which alarms the man and he takes a step back.

You cease the chance to punch the man directly on the nose.

You had read that if you contact a shark in the middle of the ocean, your best bet was to punch its nose.

Mr March didn't count as a shark but he sure felt like one the way he craved blood and how he swum around the hotel, completely undetected.

The man fell to the floor and you snatched the knife from his hand with your mind.

A wave of relief washed over you, making all the stress vanish for a moment. The numbness and tiredness filled in gaping hole the stress left in your mind.

You felt your legs buckle but returned them back to normal when you broke things down.

You hadn't lost your powers.

Ohhhh shoot.

You were so dumb.

He is a ghost! Ghosts can't be affected by magic!

You smack your hand onto your face in realisation. You really didn't think well under pressure.

Either way, you decided it was a good idea to plunge the carving knife into his heart.

That would stop him..

At least for now.

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