100th daughter

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You could feel the blood leaving your body rapidly. It was possibly the worst feeling you'd ever felt. You were being drained.

You fell to the floor and the others kept yelling words that might help you get back up and better with the charm/ritual but it was no use.

All these powers and tests had been for nothing as you felt your life source slowly departing from your body.

Soon, you were so faint, you could barely even blink. All you could do was watch their pleading faces.

Zoe started crying into Kyle's chest but he didn't care. He was entranced by what was happening like everyone else.

"Crap, I'm dying" You manage to mumble.

Just as you were about to retreat into a lovely endless sleep, free from pain and torment, you saw a bright light above you.

It was a woman. She was dressed in a white gown that was clearly aged and worn since it had turned slightly greyish. She had wild hair and wild eyeshadow and yet she seemed so kind and friendly towards you.

You felt dizzy and wondered if you were hallucinating but when she started talking you realised who she was.


"Y/n." She said in a foreign language that you somehow understood, "I'm so proud of you."

"But... but.. I've failed." You didn't have the strength to move your lips but she heard your thoughts.

She just laughed, "My child. You have not failed."


She flicks her hair, looks down and explains, "The task wasn't to be invulnerable. The task was to die."

You furrow your eyebrows.

"If you were the real one -which you are- I would bring you back." She smiled at you in adoration, "My child, you are the best of us. I'm honoured to be your 100th grandmother."

You return her smile before pausing and asking a question, "How are you immortal? Are you just my subconscious trying to help me get outta here?"

"I've done many a bad thing to be immortal. I suggest you don't attempt it." She was completely the serious but then she tilted her head and smiled lightly, "About the last one... you'll just have to figure that one out by yourself."

She disappeared in the same white light she arrived in.

The moment she left, you felt the strength return to you. Encouraging you to rise up into the air. The same white light was all around you, it was almost as if it where absorbing your pain.

When the white light dispersed, you floated gently to the ground. Everyone was staring at you blankly; they couldn't believe their eyes.

You grin with pride and then notice that you were wearing a beautiful white gown, it was accompanied by a flower crown upon your head. Almost like Scáthach's but more modern and clean.

"Y/n!" Myrtle says, with happy tears in her eyes, "You are the omnipotent one, the supreme of all supremes, the 100th daughter. Congratulations."

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