Anger Management

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Your eyes begin to tire as Zoe finishes up the story.

"Misty is a good person though y/n." She took a puff of smoke and blew it out before finishing, "I think.."

You yawn, you don't know why you were tired since it was only around nine ish, maybe you were drained from using your powers. Last time you used them to blow up the school, you slept for 24 hours! You decide it would be a good idea to finish the conversation and have an early night. It was Halloween tomorrow anyways.

"Jeez Zoe," You say as you get up from the floor and walk to the door of her room. The house was old and the floorboards creaked as you stepped past the door, hanging in the door frame. "You've been through shit"

"I know" She replies, the cigarette still in her hands. You don't think she'd ever smoked before, she certainly liked it.

You walk back into your room, slightly tipsy from the nicotine. Seeing Maddison on her bed with crossed legs and angry expression was enough to slap you back into reality from your drug rush.

"Don't steal from me ever again" Maddison says as she walks up to you ready to smack you, hopefully not telepathically. She needed anger management.

"Woah woah woah" You say putting your hands in the air and pretending to be scared. "Sorry" You say with a smirk.

She slapped you hard across the face, it didn't matter though. You had the power to burn her precious hair, she would be so mad if you just-


"Holy crap, holy crap! Y/n. You DICKHEAD" Maddison yelled running around.

Her hair was on fire. The flames danced around her head majestically and maybe if you couldn't hear her screaming, she might've looked pretty as a red-head.

The shelves, which to be honest were mostly empty, were ripped off the walls and the few books and magazines on modelling fell to the floor. The beds were shaking, it looked like they were quaking in fear.

"YOU ARE GOING TO DIE Y/N" She yells screaming at the top of her voice, probably ripping her vocal cords, you didn't mind, you knew that if she kept screaming, she wouldn't be able to talk for a week or even loose her singing voice forever, and that would be fucking brilliant.

You roll your eyes and walk out the room and to the bathroom. Even you didn't want to see her in that much pain. You found the first bucket you could see and filled it up. It took an excruciatingly long time for it to fill up but it was worth it when you poured it on Maddison's head because it gave your ears a rest from her godamn screaming.

"Thanks y/n," She said with a sigh on her face and maybe even a smile, "But you are still dead". Nope, there was no smile.

"What is all this screaming about?" Cordelia had run in, she was in her nightclothes even though it was a little too early for bed.

You sigh, there was no point in lying. "I set Maddison's hair on fire."

You look at Maddison for her input, you were expecting another slap or a punch or even a flying magazine with a picture of Jennifer Aniston on the front. Instead she was passed out on the floor.

"Y/n. We need to carry her downstairs where I can heal her." Cordelia says rushing over to Maddison and feeling her pulse. "She doesn't have long"

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