Am I In Hell?

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In the darkness, at least a hundred thoughts flickered through your mind.

From the deep questions like 'Am I in hell?'or 'Are Misty and Queenie okay?' to the more dumb statements like 'I'm really craving ready salted crisps'

The one question you pondered on the most was the first one that you thought of.

'Am I in hell?'

And when you broke it down, you realised that actually, you might be.

It was like constant torture.. over and over.

The killers must've been living in your subconscious or something but it didn't make any sense.

The hell you went to when you 'descencumed' was an empty room. Almost like solitary confinement.

This was... strange; to say the least.

"Is she awake?"

"She better be cuz I want to rip her apart limb by limb"

"Or blow her skull off!"

"Maybe we could make her look like a FREAK!"

"We can make a lampshade from her skin!"

"No that's disgusting"

"You're disgusting!"

"Bathe in her blood?"

"No you imbecile!"

"I am not an imbecile!"

"Oooh she's actually gaining consciousness."

"Does that mean she can hear me?"

"Yes, you dimwit"

A cacophony of voices and noises suddenly filled your ears.

Too much information was being thrown at you at once.

You decided it was best staying quiet for as long as you possibly could.

They wouldn't kill you whilst you slept, they'd want to kill you whilst you are alive.

They'd want to watch you burn like they did.

But 100x worse.

"Y/n! I know you can hear me!" It was James March. Of course it was him.

You stay silent, hoping he would move on and maybe give you a painless death or something.

"Y/n. You are truly an insult to our kind." Mr March continues.

You were ready to scream at him for saying 'our kind'. Our kind? What kind of a saying was that?

You weren't like him and his murders.

They were vile, disgusting and ruthless.

And you have never been any of those things.

"So, Ramirez has asked Satan to assemble all the most famous killers in the history of time to  help us almost kill you."

"What d'ya mean almost?" Aileen asked, she wasn't the smartest in the group. You knew her voice pretty much off by heart now.

"Aileen my dear, would you want to live for all eternity in a hotel with the one girl who burnt you to death?"

"Well naw but-"

You wanted to scream. That man had probably burnt many other people to death in this hotel and they had to walk around with their murder. He was so spoilt.

"But what? It's my hotel?" The man says, not used to being challenged, especially by Aileen.

Either way, Aileen shut her mouth and probably blushed a bit.

You almost laughed at the great Aileen Wuornos being reduced to silence.

In fact, the smallest snicker escaped your laugh which turned into more of a psychotic snort because you realised that this might very well be your last laugh.

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