Attack of the Antichrist

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You back away, almost consumed by the horror that stood before you.

Without a doubt this man was the antichrist.

"Oh," Micheal says, his eyes finally focusing on you instead of gazing at the 'treat' that lay before him, "Do you want some?"

He held the heart out, he genuinely looked like he was offering it to you to be nice.

You just back away more.

Micheal frowns before his lips curl into a mocking smile.

"What? You never eaten a heart before?" He says, licking his lips.

"N-No." You stammer, appalled by his habits.

His smile turns into a snarl as he asks, "Why- How- How are you so powerful then?"

"I-"  You couldn't quite form a sentence.

And then, Langdon took this sign of shock and terror as signal that you were at your weakest.

He attempted to hit you on the head and knock you out but you stopped his arm with telekinesis, only milliseconds away from knocking you unconscious.

Micheal's eyes widen at the sight of his arm, hovering in the air, that you'd managed to prevent from hurting you.

Whilst Langdon looked confused, you took it as a good time to run away.

This conversation had turned into a fight.

"Y/n!" Micheal yelled in anguish.

Still sprinting, you snook a quick and discreet look back to see what he was doing.

Strangely, he must've run away since you couldn't see him where he was standing.

Only a little whisp of black mist or smoke hung in the air where he'd stood.


He'd teleported.

You spun your gaze from the black mist and back to in front of you where you were about to turn a corner.

Annoyingly, Micheal Langdon stood waiting for you, looking as malicious as ever.

The only difference between the last time he threatened you was this time, he held a brick in his left hand.

"Shit-" You barely had time to form a sweat word before the brick came crashing down into your skull and rendered you completely unconscious.

The last thing you heard before blacking out was the thud of a brick hitting the ground and a huge sigh of relief coming from Langdon himself.

You smiled at the thought that you'd stood a chance against the antichrist and with practice, it would probably be possible to defeat him.

That was if you weren't dying already.

You felt the warm ickiness of blood pouring from your hairline and dripping onto your forehead.

Perhaps you were dying.

Who were you to know?

All you knew is that you were pretty sure that Scathach wouldn't save you now.

Everything went dark.

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