The Morning After

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You wake up earlier than you normally would, Zoe was snoring peacefully beside you.

But Maddison was nowhere to be seen.

You slowly push yourself off the floor and stumble out the room, half of your face asleep from being pressed against the cold cement, you never were much of a morning person.

You groaned as you walked down the stairs. Urgh. This was what happened when you smoked at night. It sucked.

You sucked in the fresh oxygen that came from the semi open window in the kitchen. It looked like something had burnt and they were trying to get rid of the smoke.

You were right.

The fruit bowl had been reduced to ashes, clearly a witch had lost their temper and you were betting on Fiona.

I mean,you did have experience in these things.

You go into the room across the way to see Cordelia, Maddison and Fiona all having a talk. Or an argument.

They were sitting on old chairs that had been dragged to the middle of the room in a triangle formation , they almost looked like they were having a staring competition but Maddison was more like a spectator, watching every little to see who would win.

You back away from them so they wouldn't see you but soon come to realise that you were most likely invisible.

It was an unreliable theory but it was probably the best one.

"I am not going to kill for your benefit!" Cordelia was clearly angry too, "Not one of my girls, never!"

Maddison sighs as if they were both old crazy ladies and she was trying to do something nice but had just given up.

"I'm not asking you to kill your girls" Fiona yelled throwing a cigarette at Cordelia much like Violet last night.

Maddison thought so too as she stopped the cigarette with her mind. It may have been accidental but it caused Cordelia and Fiona to stop fighting and stare at Maddison.

"Why are you here?" Cordelia asks Maddison, you could tell Maddison had been sitting there for a while, how had Cordelia not noticed?

"Spectating?" Maddison says before looking to Fiona confused.

Fiona just smirked.

"Like I said, you are not fit to run this Coven" Fiona says lighting yet another fag, with these people, smoking was never ending, "You didn't even notice your own girl, Delia?"

It was witchcraft without a doubt, Cordelia would never forget Maddison was in the room.

She got up from her chair and walked behind Cordelia's. Fiona made a tutting noise behind Cordelia's back which made her mad but she didn't attack.

Cordelia was clearly smart and knew that her mother would just use her rage against her.

Maddison began to walk out the room, it wasn't her fight, it was fair enough to leave it.

As she strode towards you, her eyes lingered on your face. Almost as if she could see you.

You knew you should trust your powers, doubting yourself would result in worse than being seen by just her.

You decided to brush it off and walk towards the kitchen where you made yourself visible once more.

(Authors note: it's a dull chapter sorry but thanks for reading and liking or whatever, it's awesome, we reached #1 on Misty Day which is pretty cool, I'm gonna add her in soon btw. I need to go over the plot bc I suck at timelining like I said before but yeah, this is pretty awesome. Luv u all)

I couldn't resist the apocalypse name title sorry 😂 it was too catchyyy

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