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"Y/n? You managed to join us!" Micheal says, cheerfully.

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"W-What?" You mumble, hardly able to believe what was happening.

"Hello dear! You look so bright!" Myrtle says, getting up to give you a hug.

She hugged you so tight you thought she had squeezed all the air out of you.

You nod, not being able to form words.

"M-Micheal, Can I talk to you for a second?" You ask, unsure to why he was actually doing this.

You lead him behind a rack of tracksuit trousers and ask him the one question you've been dying to ask him, not that he'd ever give you a straight answer though.

"W-Who or w-what are you?" You ask.

You didn't like the fact that he wasn't as shaken as you were. In fact, he was the opposite.

Micheal smiled sarcastically as if he couldn't believe that you were asking such a dumb question.

"I think you already know," Langdon says, looking down at your frightened features, "The real question is what are you?"

You weren't going to let the boy get under your skin.

You were determined he wouldn't.

"I know who I am. You are the one who should be scared."

"Then why are you?"

The boy had left you unable to form words.

He sighed yet again at your mindless behaviour.

"Y/n. You know that you are a powerful being, am I right?" He says, speaking slowly as if you were a child.

All you could do was nod slowly and unsurely and mumble something along the lines of 'yeah'.

"Do you think you are powerful enough to join me?"

Langdon was foolish by saying those ten words, you had never been tricked into doing something by your arrogance.

It was a feature that you lacked entirely.

"Actually," You say, making yourself levitate in the air so you could meet the man, eye to eye, "I'm powerful enough to destroy you."

The boy shook his head in disappointment and looked down.

You took it as a sign to return back to your normal height, but still, you didn't loose the seriousness in your tone.

"I should've known that you wouldn't join me Y/n." Micheal says quite calmly, "It's a real shame."

You gulped and looked away, back towards Myrtle before letting your gaze turn steely as you glared at Micheal.

"I would never join you."

To be honest, it felt quite cliche striding away and leaving the boy to mull in his thoughts. It was like you were the main character.

You quickly look around to where Myrtle was, who you had left sitting there by herself on the side.

She wasn't there anymore.

There was only what seemed like black mist and a note that Micheal must've left.

Your heartbeat intensified as you amble towards where she had sat.

You picked the paper up cautiously and read it.

Better luck next time.

You prepared to rip up the note, folding it in half.

Strangely, it seemed he had written something on the other side of the paper, it was something he'd said countless times but when it was written down on paper it felt as if it had extra value.

Who are you?

Below it was a little scribble of a house, one that looked rather familiar.

Suddenly, before you could rip the note up for real, you felt the urge to jump and find yourself completely leaving the realm of the Nether.

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