Members of Outpost 3

419 11 7

"Okay," You say, breaking the silence that had been growing between you and Micheal.

"Okay?" Micheal inquires, leaning forwards slightly, "You aren't scared?"

"Hell, I'm terrified, I'm just not showing it." You admit.

"You are good at concealing your soul's intentions, I'll give you that." Micheal says honestly.

You nod, hoping that Micheal didn't hear the mini heart attack you got when he mentioned the words conceal and soul.

"So what is the Co-Operative?" You ask.

"Oh," Micheal says as if he wasn't paying that much attention, short moments like that made it hard to believe that he wasn't human.


"Well, it's principally a cult of satanists who control how the world works, basically the Illuminati as Jeff likes to say."

You found it funny that you were talking to the literal antichrist about satanists controlling the world so casually.

"Really?" You raise your eyebrows, the world was a fucked up place but being ran by satanists was a whole different level.

Micheal just smiled with his intimidating grin.

"It's such a shame you are choosing to die." Micheal sighs, getting up from his seat and striding out the room.

You quickly get up and follow him.

"Doing what you believe is right is more important than winning." You say surely to Micheal, making him turn around and face you.

"Y/n." Micheal says, "Winning is everything."

"Not to me."

It was your turn to do one of those badass exits, pushing past him and striding across the laboratory and around the corner.

It was only when you were at the final exit of the building when you realised that you hadn't put you, Coco and Mallory's name in the database for the outposts.

Shit You think as you quickly invisiblise yourself and turn around.

You pass Venable in her office as you glide into the tech laboratory.

It was surprisingly sterile but it smelt of cocaine.

"Excuse me."

It was Micheal's voice.

You froze.

Shit You think Can he see me?

You slowly turn round and sigh of relief, he was talking to Venable and not you, thank god.

You stride up to the board with a picture of a map featured on it, it had several dots on it.

Each was labelled with 'Outpost' and a number from 1 to 5.

It was amusing to see how many celebrities had paid for a place at the posts.

Donald Trump had paid a whopping 10 million just for his place, let alone his family.

Seeing that, you were certain that you didn't want to be in outpost 4 with him,

Outpost three looked good.

It was filled with two 'DNA matches,' whatever the hell that meant.

And the name on there that shocked you was one of the current voodoo queen.

Dinah Stevens?

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