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As you wait, you wonder if it's possible to transmute two people at once.

It'd be too risky.. but was it worth a shot?

You listen to the conversation below you, you could only hear faint muffled voices since the walls had been soundproofed.

"Do you really think that y/n would actually stay in the hotel?" Donavan asks the woman.

"Of course I do, she has a passion for darkness, isn't it obvious?" The countess replies.

"But Elizabeth-" Donovan began to plead but the countess cut him off.

"We agreed that you weren't going to call me that name." She says, she was clearly the more dominant one in their relationship.

In fact, she was clearly the more dominant one in the whole hotel.

"Fine." Donovan says beginning to tear up, "I don't want you to replace me for another."

"That's not your choice to make, dear" Elizabeth says, her shoes clopping along the floor and towards the attic.

"You made your mind up yet, darling?" The countess raises her voice so that you can hear her through the thick walls, "I feel bad having you cooped up in there."

"I need 5 more minutes please." You say, cringing at how childish you sounded.

"Not a problem," She says sighing as she went back to Donovan.

"Do you hear that?" You could hear Donovan's voice ask the lady.

"Hear what?" The countess asks, worriedly.

"It sounds like Bartholomew!" Donovan says, he was a good actor.

You knew that now, you had to wait for the countess to say that name before you could escape.

"What? What can you hear?" The countess asks, her voice laced with fear.

"He's... he's crying!?" Donovan says.

You hear the rush of feet sprinting towards the door and out of the penthouse.

As she ran you could hear her yelling the name..

"Bartholomew! Bartholomew! Oh god save him!!"

She sounded like a widow, moaning over her dead husband.

You knew that was the signal.

Truthfully, you were too scared to transmute so you pushed the attic door open and let Misty float downwards.

You followed quickly after.

It seemed that Donovan had left the room too so that he wouldn't be a witness to you escaping.

Either way, you sprinting across the room, much faster than the countess could ever run, with Misty hovering in your wake.

You rushed out the door and down the spiral staircase.

It was so weird how relaxed Misty looked as you levitated her gently behind you.

Soon, you approached the foyer and kept on sprinting.

Past Liz Taylor and the reception desk.

Nothing was going to stop you now.

Except that.

Except Queenie.

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