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You woke up, bolting upright.

You were covered in blood and when you got out of your bed you noticed there were multiple bloodstains on your pillow.

You rush to the mirror that was beside the door and to your horror you notice that your nose and ears had been bleeding overnight.

You pick off the dry blood so that you don't look like a monster when you go downstairs.

You weren't sure why or how the dream had caused you to bleed but you definitely knew it was the dream.

The antichrist was getting more and more powerful and there wasn't anything that you could do to stop him.

"Y/n?" Someone was knocking on the door.

"Two seconds!" You yell, rubbing your nose and hoping all the blood is gone as you jog over towards the door and swing it open.

To be honest, you were expecting it to be Mallory but instead:

It was Zoe.

"Hey!" She says, waiting in the doorframe with a smile on her face, "Can I come in or what?"

"Yeah- Yeah, of course." You say, stepping backwards and letting her come in.

You rushed back over to the bed and turned the pillow so that she wouldn't see the bloodstains.

"So, what even happened?" Zoe asks curiously as you both sat on the side of the bed.

When you furrowed your brows and didn't answer she took it as a sign to pry deeper.

"Well, Misty's too nervous to speak and you were asleep but they told me not to wake you. Did I wake you?"

"Err, no." You say, you weren't a morning person, especially when you can't get your dream of your mind.

You remembered every little detail and you couldn't let it slip away.

"Where's Queenie?" Zoe asks, meeting your eyes with her childlike interest.

That was it.

You began to choke back tears before coughing up more blood.

Zoe look worried for you but you were trying your hardest to form two words.

"She's d-dead." You say.

You know that Zoe wouldn't ever believe this but because of the tears that were streaming down your face, she knew you weren't faking.

"I-I need to go downstairs and tell Cordelia something." You mutter to Zoe.

She gets up from the bed and pulls you up by your hands.

She was doing that 'smile of reassurance' thing.

Usually you would've batted it away and said something like 'I'm stronger than that, I'm fine' but today you just felt like giving in as Zoe lightly telekinesised you down the stairs and towards Cordelia and the others.

Of whom you have so dearly missed.

Why the hell did I write so old fashioned? XD

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