Exceptional Young Ladies

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As Cordelia walked you into the dinning room, you realised how starving you were from the long journey from (where you live now).

There was a plate of waffles on the table, they were dripping with butter and oozing with maple syrup.

Cordelia walks out the room as you go to eat one. Suddenly, the plate slid across the table to where a girl wearing a shirt black skirt with complementary high heels. She had straight blonde hair which danced around her head when she shook it and her brown eyes, covered in black makeup, were as piercing as daggers when she looked at you.

"Heya," She says with a smirk, the tension releasing from her eyes, "Two new girls in one week that's a shocker" She says as she slices one of the waffles and stuffs it into her mouth.

"Bitch, you said you were going to cut down on carbs" A black girl walked in and laughed triumphantly at the blonde one. Her hair was short and dark. She went for the fruit bowl and took an apple.

"That diet won't last any longer, we both know it." The blonde girl says, her smirk was growing. She was talking about the black girls 'healthy eating'. You thought it was impossible to chew whilst you smiled but it turns out it wasn't.

"I'm y/n" You say with a smile but the girls hadn't noticed. Maybe they had, they just didn't want to reply. Your smile fades. You decide to sit down and twiddle with your fingers and thumbs.

Suddenly a plate of half eaten waffles were slid over to where you were sitting. It didn't look like she pushed them, maybe she said it with her 'MiNd'

"Eat up" The blonde girl said as she licked the syrup from her fingers. "I'm Maddison by the way" She looked into your eyes as if she was expecting something. "Maddison Montgomery? Movie star?"

"Nope I haven't heard of you" You say as you finish the waffles before Maddison can stop you.

"Where the hell are Nan and Zoe?" The black girl says. She had devoured the apple in a matter of seconds.

"Here," A little girl skipped in. She smiled at you. "I'm Nan" She reached out to shake your hand.

"Y/n" You say as you shook it.

"Oh shit, sorry, I'm Queenie" The black girl says with a kind smile. "Nice to actually have a change of company to these bitches"

Nan whacked Queenie. "Hey I'm not a bitch" She said.

You just stayed quiet as a fight between the two girls began. You looked at Maddison whilst the others bickered and hit one another.

"Is it like this all the time?" You ask Maddison, you were kind of smiling.

"Yep" She says with a sigh and an eye roll.

After a couple of minutes Cordelia walked in and Maddison made her way out of the room. Making sure her blonde hair swished gently as she walked.

"Girls! I do not want you fighting like this. It's not a good welcome to y/n. I suggest you go upstairs and read a book to calm down" Cordelia says sternly.

They left so you were the only one in the room. You just sat there and finished the waffles. You wondered who was the other new girl.

Your questions were answered pretty soon as another girl entered the dining room.

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