Let Them In

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"Hey Zoe! What's up? What took you so long? I told the others you were buying sweets by the way!" You bombard her with questions as you get up from the grass to meet her height. You were taller than her but only by a couple of centimetres.

"It's Kyle!!"

"Yeah? That's the reason you went out?"

"No he's missing."



"He did what?" You ask puzzled.

"He killed his mum, y/n"

"Holy shit," Your jaw drops and you stare at her. You were totally judging her taste in men. "Explain it all.. slowly"

Zoe agrees to explain everything once again. How she went back over to check on him and have dinner with them. When she walked in she couldn't find them so she went into Kyle's room to find his only living relative with her head smashed in and Kyle waiting there with his face covered in blood. Her blood. Zoe tried to help but Kyle ran off into the flurry of kids in their halloween costumes.

"I mean, at least he'd blend in" You say to reassure Zoe.

"He has nowhere to go though." Zoe says fiddling with her fingers anxiously.

"He does actually." You say and Zoe gives you a facial expression that says 'Where?' You give her the answer to her question.

"Misty's place"

Zoe's face flashed with realisation when you hear the noise of glass smashing and an earsplitting scream.

You both rush back into the house, realising that there were other things to worry about.

"Hey? What happened?" Zoe yells as you run along the white corridor to see a very disturbed looking maid with her back pressed to the wall. The smashed sweet bowl was below her feet.

"M- My daughters are outside.." She says trembling, the door was the only thing supporting her since her legs had turned to jelly.

Zoe scoffed and you didn't blame her, she had other things to worry about.

"Just let them in then" Zoe says raising her eyebrows in disbelief of how foolish this woman could be.

"No!" The woman yells pushing Zoe away from the door.

"What the hell?" Zoe shouts at her in anguish.

"My daughters died 200 years ago." The maid's lips trembled at the words. It wasn't time for the 'How old are you' joke. You were just as shook as her.

So was Zoe.

"Let me innnn" The girls whisper in gnarled voices as they scrape on the doorframe, this just makes the old maid push harder on the door.

You both back away from the door.

Ghosts? Zombies? Vampires?

Maybe all of those things weren't fictional anymore, or never were.

Just then you hear a slow thump.

It was coming from above you.

Something was inside the house!

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