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You rush away from the blood, not because you were grossed out but because you had seen enough of it last night.

It made you wonder where Nan was.. and the others for that matter.

"Hey girl" Maddison says from behind you. Shit. You didn't like it when people crept up on you.

"Hi." You say, rubbing your eyes. You were still in your pyjamas and you still felt half asleep. It was the point where you didn't know what was a dream and what wasn't.

"Wanna find out who the real supreme is?" She asks.

"Sure?" You reply.

"Come with me." She says, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and eating it. "Although, you might wanna get dressed first."

"Cool" You say as you walk upstairs, put some black clothes on and then walk downstairs to see Maddison waiting with Misty.

"What are we doing? Where are we going?" You ask.

"You'll see" Maddison says but soon Misty chirps.

"We're going to a festival!"

"Awesome" You reply, sighing in annoyance, "I wouldn't have dressed up like I was going to a funeral then"

"We are" Maddison says before smiling and laughing maniacally, "Just kidding!" She flicked her cigarette from her hand.

"Let's go then" She orders.

You and Misty follow her out the room as she puts her heels on and you all head out the room.

Misty was giggling with excitement as you stepped into the car

Soon enough, you had arrived at the festival. It wasn't like any other festival you had ever been too though.

It had all the basics like food stalls and minimal rides but it felt dark. You looked around and saw a man carrying a coffin.

"What kind of festival is this Maddison?" You ask. She just smiled and walked in front.

"Isn't it awesome"

Misty nodded at Maddison and smiled too, but hers was kind and Maddison's wasn't.

Maddison led you both into a graveyard.

You knew something was off.

"You know earlier you asked what kind of festival this was?" She says.

You were backing away at this point.

"Well, I think you are going to get your answer"

Misty didn't notice anything was up. But you did.

You saw Maddison lift a brick behind Misty's innocence.

"No, Misty!" You yelled but Maddison had already hit her.

She slumped onto the floor and Maddison lifted her into a nearby coffin, you weren't sure why it'd been left out but it was certainly convenient for Maddison.

"Are you going to help or what? It's just eliminating the competition, no hard feelings" Maddison asks.

"What the fuck Maddison?" You ask, shocked she would do that kind of thing.

Maddison just rolls her eyes.

"Look, do I have to kill you too? The only reason you aren't dead is because you aren't as dry as Misty and you actually have personality."

You shook your head repeatedly and backed away.

"Oh my god don't be such a pussy." She says shaking her head in annoyance. "I'm going to show you a trick." She says walking over to you.

She placed her palms on your head, you would've backed away but you might as well just accept your death.

And then...

you felt your memories...



That Witch BitchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin