Last Laugh

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You snapped your eyes open, afraid of what you might see but the 'most famous murders of all time' just looked like a bunch of a-holes.

I mean for sure, there were terrifying people like Adolf Hitler, Oliver Thredson and the Zodiac Killer, but some of them just didn't look like murders.

This only made you laugh more. The whole event seemed so dumb it was unreal.

"Why are you laughing?" A young man asks. He removed the blood covered clown mask from his face to talk to you.

His voice had the same tones of impatience that a five year old would have.

The man had brown hair that were cut into curtains and a strong jawline. He was wearing a makeshift clown suit that looked exactly like a three year old had made it.

It was strange that you had never heard of a 'killer clown'. You hadn't even learnt about it in history class.

"I'm laughing because you look like an idiot." You say, high on the adrenaline rush of being out of the never ending darkness.

The man's eyes fill with fiery rage. His nostrils flaring and his jaw grinding in anger.

Okay, maybe you shouldn't have pissed him off.

"I am Dandy Mott." He exclaims slamming his fists down on the table before him, "I am a GOD!"

You wince at his anger but your facial expression quickly turns back into the familiar smirk.

"You wouldn't happen to have any bright ideas on how to torture you?" Mr March asked out of the blue, almost mocking you.

"Being in this room with all of you is enough torture for me!" You say, your mouth had began to hurt since you had been constantly grinning (possibly maniacally) for at least five minutes.

"I say we chop her legs off first!" Aileen yelled as if it where a battle cry, expecting the others to chant with her but they all stayed quiet in the uncomfortable silence of the room.

Quite frankly, you were surprised they hadn't started killing each other already.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped into your head.

You could get them to kill each other!

It would take some serious effort though.

But once the effort was done, you could sneak out whilst they're all distracted, get Misty, say an official goodbye to Queenie and then leg it.

Away from the Hotel Cortez.

The only question was..

Would it work?

Hey guys, we hit 2.5k and that's pretty awesome so thanks. Erm, it probably sound spoilt but do you guys not like the story anymore cuz u r not voting.

If so do you want me to sort it by writing better or something? Literally you can tell me anything I don't mind.

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