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"I don't like the sound of that one." Misty mumbles under her breath. Poor Misty, you definitely felt sorry for her. She really had been thrown into this shit.

You were sure it was only you who heard so you give her a reassuring smile before turning back to Myrtle and Cordelia.

Myrtle was holding a huge hourglass, it was so huge that you were surprised a fragile old witch  like her could hold it.

You had studied this subject enough to know you all had to lay on the floor and chant the incantation, then you'd be in the Nether.

Or as non-magical folk would call it: Hell.

The task clearly had everyone on edge. Zoe was bitting her nails and Maddison looked pensive for once. She was probably wondering what her hell was. You guessed it would probably end up as her being unpopular or something, you understood her fame meant everything to her.

Queenie looked pretty prepared on the outside, psychologically, she probably wasn't.

You flashed everyone a smile as you lay down onto the floor. The carpets were softer than you originally thought they'd be.

Truthfully, descencum was one of the only wonders that actually scared you because if you screwed up, you'd be stuck in hell forever. Along with your worst fear.

Anyone else would've thought that being in hell would be easy for you since you've been there before. It turns out that Papa Legba was actually a voodoo demon from the nether.

You exhaled as the others lay down beside you, you clenched your fists and bit your lip.

"Your time starts now, girls" Myrtle announces. You could just see her turning the hourglass in your peripheral vision.

You shut your eyes and chanted the incantation  along with the others. You had practiced multiple times so it wasn't the words that made you nervous. It was the feelings of their consciousness leaving the room.

Finally, you felt yours drift away from your body.

You gasped as you watched yourself sink below the surface and into the seemingly never ending realms of the Nether.

(Sorry for short chapter and thanks for reading, we hit 1.25k like wtf, I seriously love you guys, also, sorry for spelling descencum wrong oops)

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