Navigating The Nether

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Everyone just stares at Michaels peaceful sleeping body.

He was soulless.

Suddenly, you aren't sure what had come over you and you dive towards the boy's lifeless form.

The warlocks tried to stop you as you slid along the wooden floor to commit what seemed like your murder attempt but at this point you were unstoppable.

You were too determined.

Besides, you weren't trying to kill the man, you were actually helping them out.

Cordelia and Zoe couldn't understand what you were doing but they knew that you weren't capable of any more murder.

You forced yourself forwards, repelling the warlock's telekinesis as you rip a single hair from Langdon's head.

You weren't sure what you were doing because navigating through the Nether wasn't always great idea and had never been written about before.

You weren't dumb, you knew the logic.

You mumbled the incantation, it was hard for your lips to move since the amount of magic the warlocks were enforcing on you.

You couldn't quite move your lips to form the last word.

Sighing in frustration, you sit yourself up so that you weren't lying on the cold floor.

You hold out a single hand, eyes glaring at the warlocks who now were persistently throwing objects at you.

"Be in your nature." You say, eyes brimming with tears due to the exhaustion that had taken over your body within the last five seconds or so.

The warlock's bodies turn limp as they crumple to the floor.

You hoped that you hadn't killed them but you weren't worried about that currently.

You were worried about what Langdon was going to do.

He probably could kill these people's souls.

He probably despised witches.

Holy crap.

What if he had a deal with the devil?

I mean, he might be the antichrist, anything is possible.

You gulped, wishing all these negative thoughts to go away as you focused on located Micheal's soul which was roaming the underworld.

If he was the antichrist, he could bring a whole army back from the dead, to fight only for him.

"Y/n! Don't! It's too dangerous!" Zoe exclaims rushing over to you.

Her face is inches away from yours, her brown hair brushing against your facial features.

"If he can do it, I can." You mutter, partly to reassure yourself.

You knew that it was too much pressure to put on yourself, comparing yourself to the antichrist, but it was going to happen sooner or later.

They would realise how much they need the supreme of all supremes.

At least that's what you told yourself as you let your consciousness slip from your body and enter the Nether.

Before you plunged into the depths of the underworld, you hovered outside of your body momentarily to see your lifeless body.

A single, icy tear rolled down your left cheek and hit the floor, before you were dragged down, deep into the unknown.

Okay, yeah, I'm kinda getting conscious you guys don't like the story anymore cuz u have stopped commenting 😬

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