I See More Red

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Once you arrive home. You go to your room and fall instantly to sleep. You were drained and couldn't be bothered to stay up and worry about Fiona.

Once you awoke, it was about lunch-time. You knew that because you could smell some nice cooking. You walked into the kitchen to see two unknown people sat at the table.

"Who are you?" You ask them.

"I am Quentin Fleming and this is my dear friend Cecily Pembroke" The short man with grey hair was the one who spoke to you.

"I meant. What are you doing here?" You were not a morning person.

"We came to apologise to Myrtle dear." The woman spoke to you, she was wearing an awful dress, "She is making us a wonderful dinner in return"

"Erm okay" You say walking towards the cupboard to pour yourself some cereal. Even if it wasn't the morning anymore, you could still eat cereal if you wanted too.

You poured it and sat down moodily.

"Y/n?" Myrtle asks gliding back into the room.  You smile at her.

"Can I have a word?" She asks.

"Sure" You say through mouthfuls of your chocolate cereal.

She pulls you into the room beside the kitchen and gives you an alarming look.

"I wouldn't advise you stayed here for much longer y/n"


"Justice is being repayed"

You didn't know what she meant so you just walked away, the thing was that you were interested so you couldn't just leave it.

You turned yourself invisible and grabbed your cereal. You sat on the floor with your bowl just watching the conversation.

If anyone looked at you they would probably see a floating bowl and spoon but you didn't care that much.

The strangers dug into the food that myrtle had 'kindly' lay out for them. You could've sworn you saw something behind her wacky hair and glasses, something that wanted revenge.

You smiled to yourself and wondered what she was going to do to them. This was better than watching TV.

"Remember from back in the day Pembie" Myrtle gestured to the food.

"Yes, such a sensible tradition, nobody bothers anymore" the witch says, you were sure her smile was fake.

"Now Myrtle, Pembie and I were just saying," The man began to speak whilst loading the vegetables on his plate, "In addition to how thrilling it was to get your phone call, we've had such terrible regrets about the misunderstanding."

Myrtle wasn't smiling like they were.

"And we can't get over your skin! No burn scars, you are looking younger than ever! We've got to here all about this 'Misty Day' and her magical mud. Should we be looking into it, selling it perhaps?" Quentin adds, he was clearly trying to be nice to her.

"You miss the point my darling." Myrtle begins, "The swamp mud is her metaphor, she's a sophisticated witch with extraordinary gifts, we are lucky to have found her and she us"

The others were bored of Myrtle, it was becoming obvious.

"A toast to you Myrtle.. f... fo" The witch started freezing and stuttering.

Now it was getting interesting.

"Forgiveness?" Myrtle asks, gripping the weird carving spoon thing. "You won't be getting any of that."

You watch as she talks to hem about 'Human Statue Syndrome' which she had clearly given them. She then went on about how she knew that they wanted to overthrow her head-seat in the council.

She then proceeded to remove their eyeballs. One of each. 'To help Cordelia'

It was kind of gross and it involved a lot of red sticky blood.

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