Cabin In The Woods

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"How do you recon this girl got here?"

"Maybe she's a counsellor?"

"Yeah right."

"No I'm serious."

"Why is she wearing black?"


"Maybe she's part of a cult."

"Of course she is! You always say that when we find an odd girl dressed in black."

"Wait. You boys have actually found an odd girl dressed in black before?"




"She has a hot bod, you've got to admit."

"Dude! She's practically dying. You can't say that."

"Sorry not sorry"

You cough yourself awake and sit up straight. You were resting on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed inside the cabin that you had seen the teens in before you passed out.

"Guys, she's awake!" One of the boys whisper to the group before beckoning them to crowd around you. There were two girls and three boys.

There were a lot of strange thing about these people. They dressed weirdly, they had strange hairstyles but the most peculiar thing was that one of the girls looked like..

"Maddison? Is that you?" You asked the brown haired girl who had a striking resemblance to the girl who had put you here: Maddison Montgomery.

The girl shook her head and tried to give you her best smile of reassurance.

"No! I'm Brooke. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand to be shaken but you ignored it and asked the blonde haired boy what year it was.

"What are you? Some kind of time traveler?" He jokes but you hold your straight face.

"It's 1984." The blonde girl says, resting her hands on her hips. "Why?"

You contemplate telling them the truth but what good would it do? None.

"I-I errr, I must've hit my head out there." You say, trying to think of a good excuse.

You held your breath as the blonde girl stares you out to see if you are lying for what felt like a very long time.

Realistically, it was probably only three seconds.

"She's telling the truth" The blonde girl flips her hair across to behind her denim jacket as she sat back down onto the bunk opposite you.

"Do you remember why you are here?" The blonde haired boy said calmly and waited for your reaction for a split second before sighing.

"I'm so sorry, I'm Xavier. What's your name?"

"I'm y/n."

"Y/n. Can you tell us why you are here?"

You couldn't think of anything to say so you just ask him to stop talking to you like you were a toddler.

"I'm sorry! I'm just trying to help. You just tell me why you are here and we can sort things out" Xavier was staying surprisingly calm.

"I-I'm not sure" You say, trying to think of a good excuse that matched with being in the middle of the lake. After ten seconds you realised that you couldn't think of anything and had to play along with the concussion theory."Actually, where am I?" You try your best to sound innocent.

"Camp Redwood."

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