Go to Hell

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The falling feeling lasted for what felt like hours.

Realistically it was probably only 30 seconds but it was as scary as hell. It was hell.

When you stopped falling, you fell onto a bed in the same room that you were in when you talked to Papa Legba before.

The door and windows had been bricked up but you were casual about it. You had done this twice before. You knew how to get out.


"There is no way out of this place y/n" That familiar voice booms from below.

"Yes there is!" You yell, grasping onto hope because if you showed any signs of despair, you were sure hell would pull you down into its deepest darkest clutches.

Time works differently in hell so you realised you only had about 1 or 2 minutes before this would end and you would be trapped here for all eternity.

"Fuck-" You began to speak but you felt the urge to jump. It was almost as if a voice was whispering in your head.

You jumped and it was as if a spiritual hand hand grabbed you. It was relaxing as you ascended, nothing like falling.

You could've sworn you heard a voice that said 'Nothing to fear but fear itself' but you ignored it because you were sure it was some twisted Nether trick.

And just like that, you were back into your body, gasping for air.

"Y/n! You are the first up! As expected" Myrtle declared. There was still loads of time on the hourglass, you had rushed it for nothing. Even though any longer in hell would've sucked so you guess it was something.

Before you could respond to Myrtle, Queenie sat up, her eyes looked crazed.

"It was the same line, the same people, the same chicken." Queenie manages between breaths, spitting out the words in disgust.

She shook her head and turned to you. "What was yours?"

"I-I was stuck in a room, they told me I couldn't get out" You stammer.

Cordelia and Myrtle share a glance. It was one that meant 'I'm impressed'.

"Nothing to fear but fear itself my dear" Myrtle says.

"That's what the demon said-" You begin to speak but Zoe pops up. Crying.

"Kyle! Kyle!" She yells before calming down as he rushed to give her a hug. "We- We k-kept breaking up. On- On a loop."

"Shh, it's alright, I've got you now" He says, holding her tightly.

Then it was Maddison who sat up. "Urgh, I was in a network musical. The sound of music. I wasn't even lead role. I was Leisel." She looked pretty traumatised but you were sure everyone was secretly rolling their eyes.

You looked over to Misty and then the timer.

She didn't have long.

"Misty?" Cordelia asks, looking at her almost lifeless body.

Your eyes kept flicking from the hourglass then Misty repeatedly until the last grain fell.

Misty still hadn't come up yet.

At this point, Cordelia was cradling her. As if trying not to let her go.

It was too late. Misty's body had turned to ashes and they floated out of Cordelia's grasp as she cried uncontrollably.

All everyone could do was stare.

Misty was gone.


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