Nanbaka x Reader one shots

By DigitalChito

1.6M 46.2K 10.1K

Nanbaka characters x Reader one shots. Book Finished. Second book out. Ranks~ Lowest Rank: #29 in Random H... More

Jyugo x Reader: Further
Jyugo x Reader: Newbie
Samon x Reader: Wait
Samon x Reader: Day Off
Uno x Reader: Whisper
Seitaro x Reader: Two Chances
Seitaro x Reader x Samon: Skate
Hajime x Reader: Secretary
Nico x Reader: Cell 5
Samon x Reader: Thoughts (part 1)
Samon x Reader: Thoughts (part 2)(final)
Kiji x Reader: Train Ride
Kiji x Reader: Train Ride (part 2!)
Kiji x Reader: Train Ride (part 3!) (final)
Jyugo x Reader: Murderer
Samon x Reader: Twins
Seitarou x Reader: 3 words
Tsukumo x Reader: Shinobi
Upa x Reader: Plush
Hajime x Reader: Me?
Yamato x Reader: Birthday
Rock x Reader: Cake
Nico x Reader: Yandere
Samon x Reader: Snow Halation
Upa x Reader: Jealousy and Names
Seitarou x Reader: Bully
Kiji x Reader: Girl
Guards x Reader: Guard Room
Guards x Reader: Guard Room pt2
Honey x Reader: Caught
13 x Reader: Cellmates
Kiji x Reader: Shy Queen
Nico x Reader: Human
Jyugo x Reader: Try and Flowers
Samon x Reader: I just wanna see you!
Trois x Reader: Bed
Guards x Reader: New Years
Uno x Reader: Morning
Elf x Reader: Apologize
Upa x Reader: It's Joke!
Cat x Reader: Thank You
Honey x Reader x Trois: Escape
Kenshirou x Reader: Miracle
Liang x Reader: Peach Buns
Momoko x Reader: Chocolates
Tsukumo x Reader: 2/4/16
Samon x Reader: Rivals, Allergies, Confusion
Hajime x Reader: Break Up! Pt1
Hajime x Reader: Break Up pt2
Cat x Reader: Punch
Jyugo x Reader: Lemon?
Kiji x Reader: Sick Boyfriend
Jyugo x Reader: Cat
Building 13/inmates x Reader: Rainbow Squad!
Samon x Reader: Tail
Upa x Reader: Don't leave me
Nico x Reader: Nico Nico Nii!
Honey x Reader x Trois: I Love You
Elf x Reader: Red String
Jyugo x Reader: Attention
Hajime x Reader: A day in the life of the Sugoroku's!
Samon x Reader: Cat Ears and Monkey Tail
Musashi x Reader: Puppy Musashi! Pt.1
Samon x Reader: Return
Kiji x Reader: Challenge
Samon x Reader: I don't care
Kiji x Reader: Sensei and student?
Elf x Reader: Flower Ring
Enki x Reader: The Gokuu's
Cat x Reader: (Y/n) Play With Me
Musashi x Reader: Puppy Musashi! Pt2
Cat x Reader: Heartbeat
Enki x Reader: The Gokuu's pt2
Seitarou x Reader: Can I Copy?
Cell 13 x Reader: What?
Upa x Reader: My Child
Hajime x Reader: Aozora Jumping Heart
Samon x Reader: I'll Save You pt.1
Samon x Reader: I'll Save You pt.2
Kiji x Reader: Hair Switch!
Cat x Reader: Files
Samon x Reader: Wonder Zone
Upa x Reader: My Story
Cat x Reader: Umbrella
Upa x Reader: Master....notice me! Pt.1
Liang x Reader: Shiny!
Uno x Reader: Clingy Girlfriend
Nico x Reader: Shy
Qi x Reader: Princess
Enki x Reader: I <3 u
Samon x Reader x Cat~ Kitty and Monkey
Musashi x Reader: Nicknames
Tsukumo x Reader: Immature Dreamer
Guards x Reader: Cabin! pt.1 (Kiji)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.2 (Kiji)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.1 (Kenshirou)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.2 (Kenshirou)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.1 (Samon)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.2 (Samon)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.1 (Hajime)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.2 (Hajime)
Cat x Reader: The Big Nine
Upa x Reader: Master....notice me! Pt.2
Upa x Reader: Master....Notice me! Pt.3
Musashi x Reader: Visitor
Mitsuru x Reader: Witch
Honey x Reader x Trois: Fallen Angel
Jyugo x Reader: Kiss Kiss Fall In Love!
Liang x Reader: You're Warm
Samon x Reader: Forever
Upa x Reader: Guard x Inmate
Red String of Fate (OneShot)
Hajime x Reader: Hajime!
Ruka x Reader: Queen
Uno x Reader: Instinks of a Killer
Samon x Reader: Mushrooms
Yamato x Reader: Differences
Rock x Reader x Liang: Jumping Heart
Rock x Reader: Obssessed
Samon x Reader: Family
Mitsuru x Reader: Hyakushiki
Tsukumo x Reader: Lustful Temptation
Gokuu Bro's x Reader: Trucks
Musashi x Reader: Necklace
Samon x Reader: Breakfast
Enki x Reader: Tend
Samon x Reader: Forever pt.2
Qi x Reader: Lemon?
Samon x Reader: Cleaning
Nico x Reader: Games
Ruka x Reader x Kiji: Don't Ask
Upa x Reader: Do You Remember?
Hajime x Reader: Omelette is Happiness
Guards x Reader: Zura!
Tsukumo x Reader: Fairy Blue
Ruka x Reader: Lost and Found
Trois x Reader: Honey! Sit!
Samon x Reader: Him pt.1
Samon x Reader: Him pt.2
Ruka x Reader: Hug The Snowman
Kokoriki x Reader: Daisen Brothers
Nico x Reader: Go Away!
Kiji x Reader: Passionate Mornings (no lemon)
Kiji x Reader x Ruka: KiRu
Upa x Reader x Liang: Plushies
Samon x Reader: Mrs. Gokuu
Samon x Reader: Mrs. Gokuu pt.2
Seitarou x Reader: Gangleader
Hitoshi Adventures| Divorce
Nico x Reader: Everythings Ending
Uno x Reader: AHHHH!!!!
Jyugo x Reader: (Y/n)
Cat x Reader: Babysitting
Kiji x Reader: Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi!
Enki x Reader: Romantic Scramble
Kenshirou x Reader: Dog and Cat
Uno x Reader x Jyugo: Misery
Mitsuru x Reader: WLGYLMACS
Hajime x Reader: A Day In The Life of The Sugoroku's|2
Hitoshi Advendures| First Date
Rock x Reader: Wonder Cell
Trois x Reader: The One
Momoko x Reader: Moko! Hugu!
Liang x Reader: Court Yard
Upa x Reader x Nico: Cosplay Family
Jyugo x Reader: "Let's"
Kenshirou x Reader: Threesome
Honey x Reader: Little Rose
Samon x Reader: Hahahaha-Nya!
Mitsuru x Reader: 2nd?
Mitsuru x Reader: Third Wheel
Cell 13 x Reader: Where's (Y/n)?
Hajime x Reader: Potato Sack
Jyugo x Reader x Uno: Kisses before Bath
Kenshirou x Reader: Game of Prisoner or Guard
Upa x Reader: Something odd but special
Enki x Reader: Moonlit Confession
Yamato x Reader: Observing, Not Stalking
Musashi x Reader: Even then, In the end
Kokoriki x Reader: Knight in Shining Armour
Gokuu Bro's x Reader: Flash
Gokuu Bro's x Reader: Flash pt.2
Gokuu Bro's x Reader: Flash pt.3 (Final)
Kenshirou x Reader: Game of Prisoner or Guard pt.2
Hajime x Reader: Sugoroku Twins
Jyugo x Reader: Murderer pt.2
Ruka x Reader x Mao: A queen, a cat and a reader
Hitoshi Adventures| Arguements vs Surprises
Book 1. Completed. Book 2. Release
My Stories are being stolen
Sono x Reader: A Thank You

Mitsuru x Reader: Bugging Momoko

9.6K 302 26
By DigitalChito

"Ms. Hyakushiki!" You and Mitsuru burst through her door.

"Uh y-yes?" She stutters, quickly putting something behind her back.

You and Mitsuru glance at each other for a brief moment.

"Ah?" The Warden looks confused as the magazine is suddenly out of her hands; which she hid behind her back.

"Wow this is some pretty cute stuff." Mitsuru says as he looks at the pages of a Cutey Looking Chocolate Magazine.

"I never knew you were into this stuff Momoko." You look over your boyfriends shoulder, trying to get a better look.

"Stop! It's not what it looks like!" Momoko's high pitched voice speaks up.

"I hear ya! It's just a surprise that you like this sort of stuff." Mitsuru says as he helps you stand up.

"You tell anyone and you're dead." She threatens. She has this slightly peaceful look on her face but she also looked slightly irritate.

"Wow Momoko." You smile amused.

"Y'know you're starting to sound like our bestie." Mitsuru smiles as he wraps his arm around your shoulders.

"And who might that be?" The Warden glares at you both.

"Hajime of course." You start.

"Who else would it be? I mean based on how much you watch him, I thought you would have noticed-"

"Get back to work!" Mitsuru is interrupted with a kick to the face, by Momoko Hyakushiki.

".....Mitsuru.....are you alive?" You ask with a sweat drop.

"No worries. I'm fine." He groans as he gets up from his spot on the floor.

The Warden holds her magazine close to her chest and sighs.

"You know if I were you I'd get rid of the magazine." Mitsuru whispers towards her.

"We're not gonna do a valentines ep till next year." You whisper.

"Ahhh!" The Warden shrieks, ripping the magazine in half during the process.

"Come back here!" She chases after yo both with a club.

"No!" You yell.

"Please don't!" Mitsuru yells. Both you and Mitsuru run away from the angry and embarrassed Warden; all three of you in your chibi forms.

"I'll kill you!" She growls out in a deep voice.

This is pretty much Normal. Both you and Mitsuru getting into some kind of trouble, the Warden getting angry at you both, then you both plan to bug Hajime!

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